Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Maplestory Dragon Knight: Dragon Blood vs Warrior Elixers

As a Maplestory player, you need some game guides to enhance your character's skills. So i collect lots of MMORPG guides from network. Of course, you can post your guides or tips at our website.

The choice of of whether maxing Dragon Blood has always been a great controversy.
However, this section is dedicated in explaining the Pros and Cons of Dragon Blood, and whether it is an applicable choice for each build.Something that everybody should remember is that Beholder's Buff does NOT stack with Dragon Blood!

Dragon Blood
Level 20: MP -24 HP -20 every 4 seconds; Attack +12 for 160 seconds

Warrior Elixers
5000 meso each; Attack +12 for 480 seconds

First of all, I'd like to point out that the HP drain is very negligible. Seeing as how we're all Dragon Knights who receive thousands of damage, what's the matter with only losing 800?

Next, going with Dragon Blood instead of Warrior Elixers will save you mesos, but not to the point where it'll be noticable in the short run.

As said before:

Anoymonous said: "If you can't afford Warrior Elixers, you've got a bigger problem."

For 1 Warrior Elixer, it is equal to casting Dragon Blood 3 times.
5K for 8 minutes vs. -172 MP -2.4K HP from Dragon Blood.
Obviously, you would heal much more than just 2.4K HP with a single honster, which costs 2.8K meso.

Now for the psychological aspect:
Warrior Elixers have many positives consisting of; Used as a time measurement of a training spot, Cannot be dispelled, Lasts full 8 minutes before needing to be re-cast, and saves you 20 SP

Dragon Blood on the other hand, have positives which are listed as: Saves Use slot, Saves some maplestory mesos, Unlimited re-use, Saves your a trip to NLC to repot. ( The last one can be disregarded, seeing as how you'll have to go to NLC for Honsters and Supreme Pizzas anyways. )

Finally, the effect it would have on builds.
Pure Spear users are most likely out of all the ones listed above, to go with Dragon Blood, seeing as there are no other skills that are more important.
Pure Polearms come as second, but would need to sacrifice SP from Polearm Crusher.

Hybrids would be MUCH better off not getting Dragon Blood at all in my opinion. A couple problems will come up from choosing to max Dragon Blood:
-No Spear Fury for mobbing
-Lower level Sacrifice

So at the end of the day, the choice whether to max Dragon Blood draws from your Build and personal preferences.

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