Standard 1st Job Build
Level 10 - 1 Arrow Blow
Level 11 - 3 Blessing of Amazon
Level 12 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 13 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 14 - 2 Eye of Amazon,1 Critical Shot
Level 15~20 - 3 Crit
Level 21 - 1 Crit,2 Double Shot
Level 22~27 - 3 DS
Level 28~30- 3 Blessing of Amazon /Focus (Arrow Blow is possible, but not recommended since you already have maxed DS)
End Results:
Max Double Shot
Max Eye of the Amazon
Max Critical Shot
3 (or 12) Blessing of Amazon
0 (or 9) Focus
1 Arrow Blow
Explanation of Build:
This build is most recommended due to the fact that it takes the cost of arrows and pots into consideration at the beginning of the build to avoid wasting money. The build also utilizes Double Shot, which has the potential to out damage Arrow Blow.
A player that chooses to go with Focus at the end, most likely prefers to utilize the power of the skills?ability to increase accuracy and avoid simultaneously. An advantage of having Focus at a decent level is that it can potentially increase the possibility of a player receiving a MISS from a monster’s touch or attack. The disadvantage to Focus is that it requires the use of MP and must be recast over time.
Those who prefer to have passive accuracy will put their remaining points into Blessing of the Amazon. The Bowman will be able to hit certain monsters at an earlier level, and unlike Focus will not have to recast or waste MP due to its passiveness. The disadvantage to this build is that archers already have a decent amount of accuracy and extra may not be all that necessary. It will also lack the extra avoid that Focus would give.
Arrow Blow Build
Level 10 - 1 Arrow Blow
Level 11 - 3 Blessing of Amazon
Level 12 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 13 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 14 - 2 Eye of Amazon, 1 Critical Shot
Level 15~20 - 3 Crit
Level 21 - 1 Crit 2 Arrow Blow
Level 22~26 - 3 AB
Level 27 - 2 AB 1 Blessing /Focus (DS is possible, but not recommended since you have maxed AB)
Level 28~30 - 3 Blessing/Focus
End Results:
Max Arrow Blow
Max Eye of the Amazon
Max Critical Shot
3 (or 13) Blessing of Amazon
0 (or 10) Focus
Explanation of Build:
This build is for Bowmen who prefer the ability of Knock back, or KB (not to be confused with PKB). Since Arrow Blow does a great deal of damage on one blow, it has a greater potential than DS to KB a monster, making it flinch and become unable to attack or move for a short period of time. Against mobile monsters and bosses such as Mushmom and Alishar, the numbers of attacks the boss or monster will attempt to deliver to the person using this skill build will most likely decrease due to KB. Arrow Blow can also keep monsters and bosses at a distance from the Bowman. Although 2 less MP per fire compared to DS is not a big difference, over time an Arrow Blow Archer may save money on pots.
The disadvantage to this build is that DS has the potential to be stronger than Arrow Blow due to the activation of Critical Shot on each arrow of DS. A person who decides to go Arrow Blow should attempt to have above average equips to compensate for the damage difference and still stay on par damage-wise with OTHER average DS archers.
(In regards to whether or not to put the remaining points into Focus or Blessing of the Amazon; see Standard 1st Job Build)
Note: Currently level 19 Arrow Blow does more damage than level 20 Arrow Blow. It is recommended you leave Arrow Blow at level 19.
Slightly Funded Power Build
Level 10 - 1 Arrow Blow
Level 11 - 1 Double Shot, 2 Critical Shot
Level 12~17 - 3 Crit
Level 18 - 3 Blessing of Amazon
Level 19 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 20 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 21 - 2 Eye of Amazon, 1 Double Shot
Level 22~27 - 3 DS
Level 28~30 - 3 Blessing/Focus
End Results:
Max Eye of Amazon
Max Critical Shot
Max Double Shot
3 (or 12) Blessing of Amazon
0 (or 9) Focus
1 Arrow Blow
Explanation of Build:
The Slightly Funded Build is for people that can easily give/obtain pots, arrows and etc. Basically, anyone who is making a new character that is not starting in a new server could use this type of build since they have the money to spend by following this build.
The end result is identical to the Standard 1st Job Build. However, the order in which you get the skills is different. If you use this build, you will be able to use DS immediately, and along with Critical Shot, the player will have extra power early. But in order for it to work correctly, you will need to be able to supply the new character with potions and arrows, making this build difficult to use for a character on a new server.
DS Before Critical Build
Level 10 - 1 Arrow Blow
Level 11 - 3 Blessing of Amazon
Level 12 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 13 - 3 Eye of Amazon
Level 14 - 2 Eye of Amazon, 1 Double Shot
Level 15~20 - 3 DS
Level 21 - 1 DS, 2 Critical Shot
Level 22~27 - 3 Crit
Level 28~30 - 3 Blessing/Focus
End Results:
Max Eye of Amazon
Max Critical Shot
Max Double Shot
3 (or 12) Blessing of Amazon
0 (or 9) Focus
1 Arrow Blow
Explanation of Build:
This build is exactly the same as the Standard 1st Job Build, except Critical and DS are reversed. It is founded on the idea that Critical's effects are greatly diminished without Double Shot, because the chances of activating Crit when attacking twice (and with improved attack) are higher. Shooting two arrows without Critical is better than shooting single arrows with Critical. DS can be used well without Crit, while Crit isn't that good without DS.
However, as with the Slightly Funded Build, you will need to provide for MP potions.
But also,You could buy maplestory mesos and maplestory account for your characters from MMONICE, just have a try!
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