Saturday, 3 October 2009

How to be Good at Making Maplestory Mesos

When you're poor, you're pretty much at the edge of withdrawing your account, but will still feel the urge to play even after you quit. This guide should help you out a bit maplestory mesos.
Well, So you play Maplestory. I don't think you've come to see this guide because you're a high level person and you just want to laugh at the ‘noobs' that came to check this out. No, I believe that you need some help making mesos, levelling, or doing some random stuff. First, let's start with making maplestory mesos.

Making Mesos
First of all, remember to loot from your (or other people's) kills as much as you can. That's ONE way to make mesos. Another way is to buy NX, use it to purchase Gachapon tickets, and use it at popular sites such as NLC (New Leaf City), Henesys, or sometimes, if you feel lucky, Mushroom Shrine. I would go to NLC and Mushrooms Shire, since Henesys has far too many items to win, and the chance of getting a worthwhile one is slim. If you don't like that, go and buy some Maplestory iTCG packs (i recommend a lot of booster packs, unless you want to buy the starter pack) for codes. Enter the codes online in the cash shop to obtain items. They could be pets, use items, or quest items, which you can use with a variety of NPC's to get some sper-awesome (godly, maybe) items, such as Stormcaster gloves, facestompers, Astral Blade, and a ton of other wanted equips! Another way is to kpq (kerning city party quest) like hell and obtain a lot of ores, which you can go sell at the Free Market for some maple story mesos. If you feel like it, you can make some plates, jewels, or screws, which, usually, get more mesos then selling individual ores. You can also do quests, such as the Kerning City jump quests, for mesos, scrolls, equips, use items, or wanted etc. items. Sell those to make a fair bit of mesos. Another way is to cpq (carnival party quest) for Maple Coins (gold coins with a maple leaf on them) which you can in, in return for some good equips, which you can use, or sell.

This isn't really a long tutorial like the one above, but it's a simple, clean (I think) guide to where to train at which levels.

1-10 (or 8, if magician)
Stay at Maple Island and do EVERY SINGLE quest, if possible.

Henesys Hunting Ground One

Do HPQ (Henesys Party Quest), or stay at Henesys Hunting Ground One.

KPQ (Kerning City Party Quest) if possible. Wild Boars/Fire Boars if possible. Ant Tunnel.

APQ (Ariant Party Quest) if you want.

KPQ, APQ, Henesys Hunting Ground One, North Desert Road One, Tent of the Entertainers

North Desert Road 2. Sleepywood Dungeon.

CPQ (Carnival Party Quest)

Night in the Forest, Vanished Village.

Night in the Forest, Vanished Village, Kerning City Subway, Orbis Tower, Eos Tower, Aqua Road.

Pac Pinkys (singapore), Slimey, NLC (New Leaf City).

LMPQ (Ludibrium Maze Party Quest)

Ghost Ship, El Nath, Ludibrium

Haven't gotten that far yet….xD




skelegons, horntail, zakum, papulatus

mesos Making Tips
To easily make maplestory mesos from KPQ, just take as many ores as you can and sell them in the Free Market (FM) for any price that you think is good! Say, for steel ores, probably 300-1k each, which is an okay price. Sometimes you might get lucky and hit the jackpot! One time I sold 30 orihalcon ores at 3k each! Not bad, eh? And if you're finally level 30, but you're really, really, poor, just tell your party to wait a bit and go to the end of the sewers in Kerning City, your objective: to die. Then, return to your party and continue as usual. Do this as many times as you wish, and sooner or later, you'll probably get rich!

Other Stuff
Party training is always good, preferably with buddies, guild members, or people you enjoy being around with. Remember to do quests..xD Be always active, and try to have fun as much as possible, even if it means just talking and chillin' out with your friends for 5 hours without killing anything! Believe me, that can be VERY fun…xD especially if you meet somebody new….xD

Special thanks to legible for giving me maplestory powerleveling level 120-200! Thanks.

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