In Maplestory, you may meet some difficulty. You may don't know how to do. I find this Maplestory guide from web site. Want to hlep some game players, so i post it here. Hope it can help some people.
To start things off?Kthis guide is for those that want to make a mage,specifically an ice/ lightning mage, so if you want to make a fire/poison, or a cleric, read another guide or read the beginning.
My name is Ricky, I've been playing GMS since the beta times and I just wanted to share my advice with you guys. I had a main, level 112, an ice and lightning mage, and for some reason I couldn't get back on?KI think it was patched over ._.". I quit for sometime then went back to Maple because I was bored. I created a new character in Windia, then moved to Mardia with friends. My current "main" is a 63 cleric called oi0cleric0io, and I'm working on a lukless lightning mage, 0i0i0. This is going to be my main. I also have a guild called DiamondDust. If anyone would like to join, please contact Lucario2k8, AngelRikaria, oi0Cleric0io, 0i0i0, or BahamutZ3eo.
~side note~
My builds are a bit unorthodox, but it really works, I make mages, not other characters, just mages. So you following this guide will save you time and money. The builds will end up the same as others, don't worry, it just that some skills, in my opinion, have more importance than others. It's really your
choice to follow, but it is the easiest way you can do it, I find. Look up the skill descriptions on if you need them explained.
Pros and Cons of a Magician
1st job
Fast leveling from level 15-30
Can be considered "cheap"
Easy to play when you max your main attack
They tend to "KS" (kill steal)
They get weaker compared to others as they level up
There are MANY mages in Maple Story
Equips are expensive as you go along
2nd and 3rd job (ice and lightning)
Wanted in party quests because of freeze
Fun to play, don't get as boring
The earliest class that has a cloud coverage mob attack at second job
Easy to play when you max your main attack
Fast leveling from level 40-50 (especially when you max lightning first)
The only class that can freeze
3rd job is really fun
Lightning is the most expensive in terms of mp, but I will explain later They tend to KS more
Lighting (2nd job) is weak compared to other skills, but I will explain later
1st Job
So you start you "maple life" as a beginner, one who has much potential. But before you begin there is a dice roll. It's not too late to redo your stats. Leveling from 1-8 maybe "hell" but I'll assure you that being a mage is defiantly NOT BAD!
Every level you get 5 AP (ability points, use these to increase int and luk) and 3 SP (skill points, use these wisely, or you need to get sp reset, which costs real money to change and it really isn't worth it. Do it right the first time.)
Every level you have to make sure that luk is 3 more than your level. And int is dumped to int, NOT str, NOT dex.
~side note~
Okay?Kso being level 1 sucks?KA LOT. Yes I do admit that, but doing damage by adding into str really is not advisable. So I think you should do all the quests on maple island, they have good rewards and great exp. But if you really don't want to and you finished all the quests, train on green snails?Keyes, the green ones. Don't kill the other monsters, you will only be doing 1-3 dmg to them, so by the time you kill a red snail (8exp) it could've taken you the same amount of time killing five green snails (10exp). This concept is applied to later levels, the most advisable way to train is to kill something that can be killed in 1 or 2 hits.
You want your stats too look like this: *to re-roll click on the dice, you need to have these stats because otherwise you wont do as much damage compared to other mages, and this is IMPORTANT! mages aren't good in damage in later levels so you want to do as much as possible. IT'S NOT TOO LATE*
Str: 4/5
Dex: 4/5
Int: any
Luk: any
~side note~
Int (intelligence) determines the attacking capabilities of a magician, being a magician, you will do less damage compared to other characters in the later levels. So you need to make sure your int is well added on.
Luk (luck) allows you to wear mage gear. Early in the game the clothes look a Tad bit odd, but they soon look better, in my opinion. It also lowers the percentage lost when you die. Did you know it also increases the damage of your spells too? But it's only a little bit?K
Skill Build:
8: +1 energy bolt
9: +3 mp recovery
10: +2 mp recovery, +1 mp max
11: +3 mp max
12: +3 mp max
13: +3 mp max
14: +3 magic claw
15: +3 mp recovery
16: +3 magic claw
17: +3 mp recovery
18: +3 magic claw
19: +1 magic claw
20: +3 mp recovery
21: +3 mp recovery
22: +2 mp recovery, +1 magic claw
23: +3 magic claw
24: +3 magic claw
25: +3 magic claw
26: +3 magic guard
27: +3 magic guard
28: +3 magic guard
29: +3 magic guard
30: +3 magic guard
~side note~
The reason why you only put 5 in MP Recovery first is because it is important, but not as important as maxing your mp, a magician without mp is like warrior without hp. Mages need mp to survive and cast spells.
This 1st Job guide maybe the most unorthodox one you have ever seen. Yes it is but IT REALLY WORKS! If it doesn??t work well, please contact me.
To clarify some stuff?KI will write this?K
Magic Claw over Magic Bolt:
Magic claw has more stable damage, even though it only hits 40, which is only 15 power lower, it hits TWO times. Rather than a huge hit and a weak hit after, magic claw is more reliable and it goes through walls, while bolt doesn't.
Magic Guard over Magic Armor:
Magic guard is percentage based, that means that you are taking damage that is relevant to the damage. For example if a monster deals 1000 dmg to you, magic guard at maxed level blocks 80% of the damage dealt to you, and so you take only 200 damage and 800 damage to your mp. Being a mage, you have a massive amount of mp and really crappy hp, so maxing this out is a life saver. If you max magic armor, you are screwing yourself over because it only gives you 20 magic defense, which might seem a lot, but as you level more, that 20 defense isn't going to help. For example you have 300 hp and you are dealt 400 damage, it only deals 380 damage to you, but you would've been dead. Also magic armor only gives weapon defense, when you are fighting master chronos or anything that can shoot from far away, it deals regular damage to you, the attack doesn't gets reduced and so you will die faster then a one who has magic guard.
Where to train:
1-8: maple island quests (DO THEM! Good items and drops), green snails 8-18: snails, slimes (why stick to slimes? It??s because it only takes you 1-2 casts to kill a slime, rather than 3 casts to kill an orange mushroom, more exp this way)
19-21: orange mushroom, pigs
21-30: Ariant Party Quest (PQ) or Kerning PQ (FASTEST EXP POSSIBLE), or Ant Tunnel
Don??t know what armor to wear? It??s simple! Find them in shops. At this level, You don??t need to worry about hunting or armor. If you get something rare, Keep it to yourself or sell it!
2nd Job
CONGRATS! LEVEL 30, I presume. Being level 30, you need to go back to Ellenia. Remember Grendel the Really Old? Go up Ellenia and talk to him. He tells you How strong you've become and asks you to take the letter of recommendation to the 2nd job instructor. Go on the top left portal, where you see slimes and on the top, tree stumps. Go to the next portal on the left and keep on going left, portal after portal, until you see Fanzy the cat. When you see Fanzy, go up, ALL THE WAY ON TOP. Climb trees, jump, etc?K and you will see the 2nd job instructor. Click him and he will tell you that you need to collect 30 marbles. Hunt the monsters in the place he teleports you into. You will not get exp from them. And remember to bring plenty or potions. You can't get out to re-stock, or you need to start all over again. The marbles drop 1/3 times, so I don't think getting them is a problem. After you get 30, talk to the instructor and you will be teleported out and given the proof of hero. Go back and give it to Grendel. Now you need to choose which job.
~side note~
If you want to be something else, please go to another guide, if you are going ice and lightning, continue reading.
I assume you chose ice and lightning?K but first I need to tell you 1 thing?K
Lighting or Ice?
Lighting is already doesn't do as much dmg as magic claw...but does a little more then energy bolt
Lightning: 60
Cold beam: 100
Magic claw: 40 *but it hits 2 times*
Magic bolt: 55
~Hits 6 monsters
~It's the only AOE (area of effect). Not counting heal because it hits only certain monsters in 2nd job... slash blast isn't as good because it hits only in front...
~it looks cool...who doesn't like zapping the hell out of little monsters?
~kills more monsters in a shorter amt of more exp AND mesos?Ktherefore FAST leveling
~Weak...compared to other skills...BUT with meditation and another cast it over comes its power problem.
~"Expensive" because it's the most mp draining skill in the whole skill books of the mages...and I think the MOST expensive in 2nd job... however, mp eater covers this problem. Because it hits 6 monsters at the same time, it counts as a separate hit on each monster, so basically mp eater activates most of the time, even at level 3!
~Doesn't freeze... well...yeah... its're killing the monsters in a group, if u wanted freeze, then you should go with ice beam.
~freezes...that's why you're an ice/lightning wizard
~uhhh freezes...
~not as expensive as lightning...but mp eater...activates on the monsters and so the mp isn??t as mp crunch... and therefore save money
~Ice hits a chunk out of the monster's hp. It doesn't do as much fire
Arrow, but Cold Beam freezes... and does damage.
~mp eater doesn't activate well...only 1 cast on 1 monster... so mp eaterdoesn't activate as much...and so I think, meso wise, it's the same mp usage as lightning
~ice does do the job... but doesn't combo with the other skills as well as lightning
~side note~
Because people have different opinions about how you should raise your character, I will write ifferent paths for your own suitable preference.However, they might be a tad bit different than what you might typically see,but these builds are made so that you have an easier time leveling while saving time and money. They will be listed in order of most recommended.
Skill Build 1:
30: +1 Teleport
31: +3 Thunderbolt
32: +3 Thunderbolt
33: +3 Thunderbolt
34: +3 Thunderbolt
35: +3 Thunderbolt
36: +3 MP Eater
37: +3 Thunderbolt
38: +3 Thunderbolt
39: +3 Thunderbolt
40: +3 Thunderbolt
41: +3 Thunderbolt
42: +3 Meditation
43: +3 Meditation
44: +3 Meditation
45: +3 Meditation
46: +3 Meditation
47: +3 Meditation
48: +2 Meditation +1 Cold Beam
49: +3 Cold Beam
50: +3 Cold Beam
51: +3 Cold Beam
52: +3 Cold Beam
53: +3 Cold Beam
54: +3 Cold Beam
55: +3 Cold Beam
56: +3 Cold Beam
57: +3 Cold Beam
58: +2 Cold Beam +1 MP Eater
59: +3 MP Eater
60: +3 MP Eater
61: +3 MP Eater
62: +3 MP Eater
63: +3 MP Eater
64: +1 MP Eater +2 Teleport
65: +3 Teleport
66: +3 Teleport
67: +3 Teleport
68: +3 Teleport
69: +3 Teleport
70: +2 Teleport +1 whatever you want
This is the build that focuses on lightning first. The reason why, is because Thunderbolt combos with the support skills more that Cold Beam, this includes MP Eater, Teleport, and Meditation. (Look at the ??Lightning or Ice section??) Instead of maxing Thunderbolt really quick, I??ve figured that adding 3 points into MP Eater works wonders. This saves money and MP. Lightning being already weak, can wait one level, can??t it? By the way, even if you added three into Thunderbolt, it would double the cost with not much improvement. In the end, It??s better to add three into MP Eater early, because it also works with the other skills. Meditation is needed to give Thunderbolt that extra damage it needs. It??s far more important to max this first than to max Cold Beam.
Because Carnival PQ is here, a meditated Thunderbolt is needed to kill the powered up enemy in bunches in order to earn the most CP and experience. Then Cold Beam comes in, the power from Cold Beam is needed to kill the monsters in Ludibrium Maze PQ (LMPQ). Followed by maxing Cold Beam comes maxing MP Eater and Teleport. This build is very versatile, you can travel anywhere without much worry. This build needs patience. But in the end, it will really pay off.
This build will work wonders and is really fun especially when Lukless.
Skill Build 2:
30: +1 Teleport
31: +3 Cold Beam
32: +3 Cold Beam
33: +3 Cold Beam
34: +3 Cold Beam
35: +3 Cold Beam
36: +3 Cold Beam
37: +3 Cold Beam
38: +3 Cold Beam
39: +3 Cold Beam
40: +3 Cold Beam
41: +3 Thunderbolt
42: +3 Thunderbolt
43: +3 Thunderbolt
44: +3 Thunderbolt
45: +3 Thunderbolt
46: +3 Thunderbolt
47: +3 Thunderbolt
48: +3 Thunderbolt
49: +3 Thunderbolt
50: +3 Thunderbolt
51: +3 MP Eater
52: +3 Meditation
53: +3 Meditation
54: +3 Meditation
55: +3 Meditation
56: +3 Meditation
57: +3 Meditation
58: +2 Meditation +1 MP Eater
59: +3 MP Eater
60: +3 MP Eater
61: +3 MP Eater
62: +3 MP Eater
63: +3 MP Eater
64: +3 MP Eater
65: +1 MP Eater +2 Teleport
66: +3 Teleport
67: +3 Teleport
68: +3 Teleport
69: +3 Teleport
70: +2 Teleport +1 whatever you want
This build maxes both of the skills early. People might think it is bad, but because there is Carnival PQ, this build works great. Cold Beam was maxed first because power is needed in the early levels to Carnival PQ. And because you are maxing both skills early, Thunderbolt is maxed after Cold Beam so you are also gaining the area of effect attack when necessary, like on Teddies. However, you don??t have Meditation, but and extra cast can solve it. You don??t Need to worry about the potions, as this build would be expensive, because potions are plentiful when you CPQ (Carnival PQ). This build from level 30-51 works the best at CPQ, but at CPQ only. Levels 51-70 are not that hard with funding.
Skill Build 3:
30: +1 Teleport
31: +3 Cold Beam
32: +3 Cold Beam
33: +3 Cold Beam
34: +3 Cold Beam
35: +3 Cold Beam
36: +3 MP Eater
37: +3 Cold Beam
38: +3 Cold Beam
39: +3 Cold Beam
40: +3 Cold Beam
41: +3 Cold Beam
42: +3 Meditation
43: +3 Meditation
44: +3 Meditation
45: +3 Meditation
46: +3 Meditation
47: +3 Meditation
48: +2 Meditation, +1 Thunderbolt
49: +3 Thunderbolt
50: +3 Thunderbolt
51: +3 Thunderbolt
52: +3 Thunderbolt
53: +3 Thunderbolt
54: +3 Thunderbolt
55: +3 Thunderbolt
56: +3 Thunderbolt
57: +3 Thunderbolt
58 +2 Thunderbolt +1 MP Eater
59: +3 MP Eater
60: +3 MP Eater
61: +3 MP Eater
62: +3 MP Eater
63: +3 MP Eater
64: +1 MP Eater, +2 Teleport
65: +3 Teleport
66: +3 Teleport
67: +3 Teleport
68: +3 Teleport
69: +3 Teleport
70: +2 Teleport +1 whatever you want
This build is the most common build you find. It first focuses on Cold Beam. It??s a pretty straight forward build. You deal a single damage to one enemy whilst killing them, easy, but boring. Cold Beam??s cost doubles after level 15, so I decided to +3 MP Eater to save a little bit of money. This build can solo really well, but with CPQ now, fire and poison mages get recruited more often. However, unlike other builds, this build can LPQ easier in early levels then the others.
Training Spots:
Skill Build 1:
30-35: YOU ARE STUCK WITH MAGIC CLAW?KI know it is painful BUT IT WILL PAY OFF! Ant Tunnel, Slimes (Thunderbolt, sounds weird but works. 1-2 hits kills them and you kill them in mobs, so about 40-60 exp each cast. Not bad), CPQ(but not suggested)
35-40: Teddies, CPQ (you can but not a lot of people will recruit you)
40-51: CPQ! CPQ! CPQ! BEST EXP. POSSIBLE, or Ratz (not that good, but if you
are bored, might as well)
51-70: Lorangs, Lorangs, Lorangs GREAT EXP! But potion cost is high, LMPQ
(good rewards and decent exp but gets tedious)
Skill Build 2:
30-35: Ant Tunnel, CPQ (Not many will recruit you)
35-40: Fire Boars, Jr. Cellions, Jr. Lioners. Sakura Cellions, CPQ
51-70: Lorangs (Thunderbolt), LMPQ
Skill Build 3:
30-35: Ant Tunnel, CPQ (Not many will recruit you)
35-40: Fire Boars, Jr. Cellions, Jr. Lioners. Sakura Cellions, CPQ
40-51: CPQ, copper drakes, fire boars
51-70: LMPQ, red drakes
Don??t know what to wear? At later levels it is pretty hard to get equipment. However, you can hunt monsters to get the drops or go to the free market to buy the item. Level 30-40 armor can be easily found at the Orbis, Ludibrium, and other places that are not on Victoria Island. If you are low on money, you can always wait a few levels before getting it or even skip it. MANY weapons are found at the CPQ NPC.
Going lukless
Going lukless?Kit means that you don??t put any points into luk. In the very beginning, you have to roll the dice multiple times so that you have high int and low luk, while having low str and dex. It can take hours and should look like this:
Int: 10-13
Luk: 4-6
Being lukless, you trade defense for power. The trade is decent because being a mage, you are already weak, might as well get the extra power. Also a mage can attack close and far range and with the extra power you kill the monster before it kills you.
Because lightning is relatively weak, the extra boost from being lukless makes It even better!
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