Monday, 21 December 2009

Charizard's Ludibrium PQ Guide

About Ludi PQ
Well, lets get on. Ludi PQ can be done in Ludibrium , at the 101th floor of Eos TOwer. As this PQ is new in MapleSEA it can sometimes be very crowded once someone gives away a free track. This PQ consists of 10 stages and needs 6 members to enter. Once you are in, before you reach the boss stage, no less then 1 person is allowed to die or dc or you cant do Stage 8.When you reach boss stage, any amount of people is allowed to die except a party leader and a member. If more then 1 person dcs or die during a PQ before boss stage, your leader has to click on the toy soldier to get out and restart the PQ again. PQs in Ludibrium can be done between lvl 35 to 50. Its going to be

Getting In

Make sure your leader can MC very fast on the Red Sign. Mc actuallys stands for manual click so those of you who plan to be PQ leaders, u have to know the consequences of being a leader in charge of a party as sometimes if you do not have a track to get into pq, you may have to MC all the way. SOmetimes, your hands can become quite tired while MCing or you feel like your finger is breaking. So think twice becoming a party leader.

Most important thing to get in is a track. Most people who become party leaders may not want to mc all the way. Once you have gotton a track, keep /finding the person till it reaches the last stage , A crack in the Wall. At this stage, your leader should starting Mcing. Gently encourage your leader and if you are lucky you may get into PQ.

Don't ever use an AC to get into PQ! AC is a short form of Auto-Click. As maple story now has a nProtect, GameGuard,most people cant use AC anymore. But, some people still can. Why is that so? It is believed that people either change the profile of the GameGuard so they can use hacks OR it could be that people uses ByPass to hack.So, never use hacks in maplestory or even AC. They are hacks and are easily seen by people. YOu may end up being reported and banned from playing maple story for a long period of time. So beware if you are going to use AC.

Stage 1
THis stage consists of fighting. Once you successfully get into PQ, go up and immediately start fighting the Ratz and Dirty Ratz. All of them should drop a pass. Hand them to your leader before you enter stage 2. You need 25 passes to finish this stage so if your leader takes too long to go to where you are to take the passes, keep it with you as if it is left on the ground for too long, it will disappear, making the PQ a failaure.Once you cleared the stage,the leader should talk to the balloon in this stage. Enter the portal to stage 2 once you see the word Clear! on your screen.

Data on the Monsters

Ratz from Another Dimension
Level: 32
Experience: 260
HP: 3,700
Accuracy: 80
Avoidability: 13
Weapon attack: 112
Weapon defense: 85
Magic defense: 95
Black Ratz from Another Dimension
Level: 34
Experience: 280
HP: 4,300
Accuracy: 90
Avoidability: 14
Weapon attack: 125
Weapon defense: 95
Magic defense: 95

Stage 2
This stage is all about hitting boxes and getting passes from them. There are no monsters in here. Hit all the boxes in this stage except the 2nd box. Once you have gotton all the passes, hand them to your leader and he/she will hit the 2nd box and you will all be teleported to another stage where you have to hit even more boxes. This stage is still Stage 2,but called Tower's Trap. Once you have hit every single box in this stage, go to the top and leave Tower's
Trap by using the portal. Hand your leader the passes and he will talk to the balloon. Once you have cleared this stage, enter the portal to stage 3.
Stage 3
When you enter this stage, all of you should go down wards and hit the boxes to summon Bloctopus. Kill them, collect its passes and go up to fight the rest of the remaining bloctopus and then hand all the passes to your leader. You need 32 passes to clear this stage. Once you are done, your leader will click the ballon in this stage. Then go towards the portal to Stage 4.

Monster Data
Bloctopus from another Dimension
Level: 35
Experience: 288
HP: 4,900
Accuracy: 100
Avoidability: 15
Weapon attack: 115
Weapon defense: 120
Magic attack: 125
Magic defense: 150
Stage 4
Once you enter this stage, you will see some dark holes to enter and fight some monsters. The top 2 portals are for mages as the monsters inside are weak to magic attack. The last 3 portals below are weak to phisical attacks. One of the portals weak to Phisical attacks should have 2 monsters inside. WHen you enter either one of these holes, you will be at a place called Tower of Darkness(i think so).When you have finished killing the monsters inside, take its pass and grope about in the darkness for the ladder and get out. Mark the portals you have already been in, with 10 messos or an item so that no one will go into the same portal twice. When you are
done, hand all your passes to your leader and he/she will click the balloon in this
stage. Then, enter the portal to Stage 5.

Monster Data
Dark Eye from Another Dimension (this monster is weak to phisical attacks)
Level: 43
Experience: 340
HP: 6,500
Accuracy: 120
Avoidability: 18
Weapon attack: 130
Weapon defense: 70
Magic defense: 470
Strong against ice
Strong against lightning
Strong against fire
Strong against holy
Shadow Eye from Another Dimension(this monster is weak to magic attacks)
Level: 43
Experience: 340
HP: 7,100
Accuracy: 120
Avoidability: 18
Weapon attack: 130
Weapon defense: 470
Magic defense: 70
Stage 5
When you enter this stage, a thief should take the bottom floor. But she/he has to on dark sight first to get past these King Block Gollems as these hit 8k Hp! Hit the boxes and return to the top with the passes. THen, the mage .

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