Thursday, 5 November 2009

Maple Story Thief guide

Beginner Stat Descriptions There are six stats you can increase when you level up. They are Hit Points,
Mana Points, Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck.
STR: The amount of damage you do at the beginning for thieves is NOT based on STR. So just put it up SLIGHTLY if you want to become a STR Dagger Thief. Keep it at 4 or 5 if you are other type of Thief.
INT: Your spell damage is based on this. This is USELESS for thieves, only used for Mages. Keep it at 4 or 5.
DEX: This determines your accuracy and avoids ability. You need 25 of this to become a Rogue, your first job advancement. Put it up to 25 ASAP. After that, DEX should be twice your level so that you will have the new equipment.
LUK: This is your biggest stat. It determines your damage. Whatever you don't put into DEX goes into here (unless you're a STR Dagger Thief). Don't care your HP and MP at the beginning, they'll increase on its own and you don't need to give them a boost.

Stat Build - Claw Thief

Stat Build - Claw Thief When you start, you get either 4 STR or 4 INT. One of them could be 5 if you don't want to spend too much time. Keep rolling the dice until that happens or your stats will suffer.
LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK
LV15: 30 DEX , 57 LUK
LV20: 40 DEX , 72 LUK
LV25: 50 DEX , 87 LUK
LV30: 60 DEX , 102 LUK
As you can see, DEX should be twice your level, and LUK should have everything else. Put up your LUK by 5 each time for 3 levels, then put up DEX by 5 twice so that you will have enough DEX to upgrade your armour and weapons. For example:

LV21 +5 LUK LV23 +5 LUK LV25 +5 DEX LV27 +5 LUK LV29 +5 DEX
LV22 +5 LUK LV24 +5 DEX LV26 +5 LUK LV28 +5 LUK LV30 +5 DEX

This will give you enough DEX to upgrade your weapons, putting up LUK to increase your maximum damage, so it's best to put that up as fast as you can. You will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60,etc. You only need 90 DEX at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc. The ratio changes from 3 LUK to 2 DEX and becomes 4 LUK to 1 DEX.

Stat Build - LUK Dagger Thief

When you start, you get either 4 STR or 4 INT. One of them could be 5 if you don't want to spend too much time. Keep rolling the dice until that happens or your stats will suffer.
LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK
LV15: 30 DEX , 57 LUK
LV20: 40 DEX , 72 LUK
LV25: 50 DEX , 87 LUK
LV30: 60 DEX , 102 LUK
As you can see, DEX should be twice your level, and LUK should have everything else. Put up your LUK by 5 each time for 3 levels, then put up DEX by 5 twice so that you will have enough DEX to upgrade your armour and weapons. For example:
LV21 +5 LUK LV23 +5 LUK LV25 +5 DEX LV27 +5 LUK LV29 +5 DEX
LV22 +5 LUK LV24 +5 DEX LV26 +5 LUK LV28 +5 LUK LV30 +5 DEX
This will give you enough DEX to upgrade your weapons, putting up LUK to increase your maximum damage, so it's best to put that up as fast as you can. You will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60,etc. You only need 90 DEX at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc. The ratio changes from 3 LUK to 2 DEX and becomes 4 LUK to 1 DEX.

Stat Build - STR Dagger Thief

When you star, get 4 INT, don't worry about the rest of the stats. Keep doing this or your stats will suffer.

LV10: 10 STR, 25 DEX, 31 LUK
LV15: 10 STR, 30 DEX, 51 LUK
LV20: 10 STR, 40 DEX, 66 LUK
LV25: 15 STR, 50 DEX, 76 LUK
LV30: 20 STR, 60 DEX, 86 LUK

You are the only type of thief who requires STR because your dagger has STR requirements, STR does not affect your damage. DEX should be twice your level, check how many STR the next dagger needs and increase that accordingly, put the rest of your stats into LUK and the amount of DEX needed for the next weapon/armour upgrade. After Level 40, your DEX requirement decreases. You will need 10 less than usual, so just put DEX in at level 49, 50, 59, 60, etc. Put up however much STR you need for your next dagger. You only need 90 DEX at level 50, 100 DEX at level 60, etc.

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