Wednesday, 4 November 2009

How to Get and Use a Maplestory Private Server

In Maplestory, there are over 5 different default servers which any public user may use. Of course this is going to vary by version and language of the game. These servers are all completely public, in that, Nexon is the owner and manager of all of these servers. The players have very little control of customization of these servers, because they're open publicly and the game company is the owner. GM's are assigned by the owner, not by friends and other characters in the game. In a public server, you have very little amount of control, Nexon Cash is expensive and hard to get, so are mesos, and leveling is much harder than in private Maplestory servers.

Maplestory private servers are privately owned outside of the Nexon company. Nexon does allow for this, as their game client is customizable so long as you have a server to host the customized version of the game on. The owners of these servers are responsible for all of the maintainence, customization, and management of the server. GM's will be assigned by these players, and it's usually much easier to become a GM on a private server than it is on a public server due to less traffic and more new players needing help from a GM like yourself.

These private servers have many different benefits and bonuses. Most of these private servers now have a "warper" which makes it extremely easy to travel. You can simply click the green trade button at the lower left hand corner of your screen and you'll be warped to the free market. At the free market, there normally is another warper who will take you to any town in the game, and in most cases to any boss in the game.

Not only is travel easy, but just about every other aspect of the game is easy on private servers in most cases. Experience rates are set by a multiplier of anywhere to 5x to 10,000x. Leveling gets crazy when on your first kill, you hit level 20. This makes hitting those other jobs a snap. Perhaps you really don't plan to permanently or exclusively play on a private server. A private server is a great place to test classes of characters, items, nx purhcases, and just about anything else in the game since you can obtain it all much faster than in a public Maplestory server.

Maplestory mesos drops are typically much, much higher on these servers as well. The meso drops are mutlipled the same way, anywhere from 5x to 10,000x. It's nice when you're killing green snails that drop several thousands mesos when you need to get something expensive. In fact, almost all expensive items on public servers can be obtained extremely easily on most private servers.

Drop rates are also increased dramatically, however the greatest multiplier I've seen has been 100x. This is great though! Drop rate multipliers greatly increase your chances of finding rare items from monsters, and can be a great money maker later on. I love this because it makes finding rare items a snap, even if you're just looking for a specific item you can use.

Now, on to how to get these private servers. Almost all private servers require version of the game to run. Firstly, download version from this location. Make sure to NOT run the game after installing this, as you don't want the autoupdater to run.

After downloading this patch, it's as easy as searching for the version of private Maplestory you want to run. Simply search Google for private maplestory servers, and check them out. Download their client, and place it in your Maplestory folder and run it!

Good luck and have fun!

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