Monday, 30 November 2009

Making Mesos Using Huckle's Quest


Hey you, yes, you! Want to know a little secret of mine - making a lot of maplestory mesos. And to me, 75k a day for 15 minutes it quite a lot.

Here are some things you should keep in mind:
Bowmen shouldn't think of doing this to make meso, its hard to even HIT the monster needed to make 75k a day, sorry. =( If you have a mage for a replacement that would be nice =)
Mages are highly recommended because of the monster's magic attack - Mages have high magic defence. Period.
Sounds great! How do I do this?

Simple. Everyday you visit orbis, and do Huckle's shell quest. You will get 5 scrolls. SInce these are in high demand, they sell fast. Sell for 80k each. Thats a VERY fair price. =)

5 scrolls * 80k = 400k
(Remember Prices are different in all The Servers there around 150k-250k now)

Instead of going to orbis everyday, what you can do is to stock up on shells, and transfer them to a side account. That side account is going to the 10th floor and enter huckle's lab. So, every 24 hours you will log in on that side account and finish the quest. Leave those scrolls in your inventory, and when you run out of shells, you can sell those scrolls.

If you are willing to make a side account that only have shells, read this.

(this will last 2 months)

2,720 Jr. Stieniel Shells +

1,320 Fire Stienel Shells +

1,320 Ice Stienel Shells = 5,360 which will take appox 27 slots in a full etc inventory (28 slots) (take off 200 of each shell group to fit a 24 slot inventory).
Ahh...big numbers time =D

Now we shall look at the big numbers! Because everyone likes big numbers amount of meso, don't you?

Good big numbers:

1 week - 525k

1 month - 2 mil 100k

2 months - 4 mil 200k

3 months - 6 mil 300k

12 months - 25 mil 200k (wow O_o)

Enhanced Guide ( Due to new prices )(New Prices 150k-250k)
1 week - 1,050,000

1 months - 4,500,000

2 months - 9,000,000

3 months - 13,500,000

12 months - 54,750,000 =0

( The highest you can do is around 75mil)
Bad big numbers:

5,360 shells total 2 months

32,160 shells total 1 year (;-;)

Marsheh - for making the guide (me! =D)

BasilMarket to host my guide =)

MMO Tales - Hosted my guide too =)

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Guide to Earning MapleStory Mesos


Welcome to Anonymous's Guide to Money Making in MapleStory! This guide is not called Anonymous's Guide for nothing - even though MapleWiki's staff probably know who created this page, I will not say who I am, who my MapleWiki username is, who my MapleStory characters are, and so on. That cleared up, I'll get straight to the point. Mesos. Everyone who plays MapleStory, and probably everyone who is reading this guide, knows what Mesos are. Mesos = Money in MapleStory. And as nearly everyone (particularly the newbies) knows, millions of Mesos are not easy to make within a month. In fact, even with this guide, you still probably won't get to making millions a month. So how do you get that fantastic piece of equipment on sale for 4,455,555 Mesos at the Free Market before it sells out? Well, this guide won't guarantee that you get that item (in fact, there's probably a cheaper copy of the same maplestory item in another store), but it will help you make some Mesos to spend so that you can spend them on that item when you see it. Now, you probably want to see how you can do that, so...
Beware of Scams

This is not a method to make mesos, but the first, basic rule you should be aware of when dealing with your money. In a phrase, this rule will help you keep your mesos safe. In fact, you most probably already know this rule. If you don't, read Scams. The name is self-explanatory.
Scams can happen with pretty much anything you own. You could be scammed out of your money, your equipment, your fame, anything, everything. Even your account, if you're unlucky. Scams don't just take place in MapleStory, though that's what we're focusing on. No, I'm not talking about real-life scams, but MapleStory scams on the internet - like the famous Meso Generator. Anybody fooled by that could lose your account. In fact, they probably would - unless the scammer thinks that your account is useless because you only have low-levelled characters. Back onto scams taking place in the actual game itself, they can happen quite often. Never drop your guard to these scams. If you do, you're taking the quick road to losing all your belongings. Because there is no actual way to detect a scam before it happens. Unless it's like that case where someone thought I was a stupid and tried to scam my items out of me in a trade ("i teach you a trick to duplicate ur items" "drop all ur rare stuff on the trade").
These scams are easily detected by people forewarned against them. Most often, this type of "Cheat Trick" scams happen with newbies, because new players are often ignorant (however this type of scam also betrays their own stupidity; new players rarely have any equipment worth scamming).
If you have a high-levelled character and are reading this, you probably already know about this kind of scam. There are other types of scams, but I won't list them on this page. Just bear in mind that if the scammer actually is smart, there is little you can do to avoid scams short of not trading at all. Of course, if you discover you've been scammed, you can always try reporting him to a Gamemaster. The trouble is that the scammer often flees to other channel after completing their scam. Sometimes you will successfully report them before they escape, but such cases are rare. Scams most often happen when dealing with Fame.
Always Check The Market

This is the second rule you should follow to help you save money when buying or selling. This rule is fairly simple as well. When purchasing items from the free market and you see something that you like, DON'T buy it on the spot. Check through the other shops in the market and see if they have the same thing for a cheaper price. Once, a found a stall selling the same item as the shop next to it nearly five times cheaper. And you shouldn't just go to the stalls in the same map. Search every stall in the entire market. You should still find another of the item you saw. If it is more expensive, then you know either that what you saw before was a good deal or that this is person was just an idiot by selling the item so cheaply. If you didn't find anything else at all like it, then you can consider buying it.
Generally, it is better to buy items by going to Channel 1 Free Market and speaking to the jostling crowd than going into the stalls. This is because stalls generally sell items at a higher price, and there is no way you can bargain down the price when buying in stalls. When you can, you should always make offers to bring the price down. Even if it is only by 10,000 mesos. 10,000 Mesos is alot to the lower-levelled (levels 1-20) characters, and by saving 10,000 mesos every transaction, it will eventually stack up and you'll find yourself with a lot more maplestory mesos than if you'd not bargained down the price.
Keep A Space In Your Inventory

Again, this rule is self explanatory. If you're fighting a monster, and a drops a rare item after it dies, you'll want it. Whether to sell or use for your own purposes, you'll want it. But it won't be yours until it is in your inventory. And it can't be in your inventory unless there is a space for it. Even in the case of Etc. items. There isn't much space in your inventory, and there are plenty of Etc items begging for a space, so you should always keep a free space in there for the odd ore or other item you find. If this a weapon or armour, it is even more vital. Equips DO NOT stack, and so you need free space for all new pieces of equipments.
An especially frustrating scenario is when you are trying to free a space in your inventory, and someone else comes along. By the time a space is free, the ten-second limit is up and the other player has walked away with your item.
This often happens in crowded areas, but even in non-crowded spots, you should be careful. Someone may still chance on you. By now, you're probably tired from reading rules that don't actually help you make any money, but don't worry. Here they are.
Making Mesos

Below are small tips and tricks to help you earn, or save more Mesos. Do not look down on them, even if the method seems to give you few mesos, things add up, and you'll soon realize you have more mesos than most others.

Of all the methods there are to help you make mesos, this is the simplest. The simplest, the easiest, the most obvious. You have probably already killed a monster and picked up it's drops. This is what this method uses - monsters. Monsters, you and a weapon. This is very easy to do. Equip the weapon, walk up to the monster, press the button you assigned to "attack". Keep pressing until the monster is dead. Well, maybe not quite as simple as that if you don't want to get hurt or you want to use skills, but that's the basis. Just kill monsters for money.
The best side effect of using this method is that you earn EXP in the process, too. Of course, some may be bored by this, as it is repetitive work, and in the case of the Bowman and Thief, may be less productive in the way of money due to the cost of training.
However, Monsters sometimes also drop equipments which can be sold off at the Free Market or to individual players, although it is a rare occurance. If you wish to gain many mesos by using this method, train on monsters that drop valuable items. For example, some train on Red Drakes so you can sell Steelies that you might get. Just remember that you will need to factor in the cost of training, so pick your monsters wisely! That just about covers this entire strategy. Onto the next one:

Fame. Most will find that this is very popular with high-levelled characters who wish to be at the top of the Fame rankings on the MapleStory website. Some want fame so much that they will even go as far as to buy it. And that is where this method comes in. Fame can be bought, and it can also be sold. Usually, people buy fame for around 100,000 Mesos. Sometimes, they will go so far as to buy it for 1,000,000 Mesos.
But the rules of selling fame are a little different from buying fame. When selling, you want customers. And not many customers can pay 100,000 Mesos for fame they weren't even thinking of getting before you said you were selling it. So lower the price. But not so low as, say, 1000. A good price to set the fame at is 10,000 Mesos (depending on world that you are playing in).
This method does comes with downsides. You will have to be on the look out for scammers. There is no safe way to trade fame between characters, or to trade fame with mesos. Thus when selling/buying fame there has to be trust between both parties, because after recieving the fame/mesos the other character can simply logoff and run away with the fame/mesos. You may only sell fame once a day, so the income you generate from this method is, in a sense, capped.

The Free Market is a great place to make money in. What I said earlier about checking the Free Market applies double here. What you have to do is find the cheapest rare item or equipment you can afford and buy it. Then sell it to another person for a higher amount. If you do it right, you can get double the amount you paid for, or sometimes even more. Don't try selling it back on the Free Market. With so many people there, it's unlikely anyone will notice you. Even in one of the areas, there will be enough stalls to prevent people from seeing you. Go outside or change channels. With some luck, and enough advertising, you'll get a customer to buy what you've got. The best items to try this with is equipments, since nobody can know where you got it (and trace it back to the free market, where there still might be multiple copies of that cheap equip).
While new players generally do not have alot of money, some still come with a reasonable amount and it is idea to sell them rare items, as there is a good chance they will not know the item's average worth.
Patience and time are required to gain significant mesos. Do not give up. Even if the price seems low enough, always look for people selling it cheaper. Visiting forums will give you a good gauge on the value of an item, as well as the Basil Market website. Buy low sell high is the key to success here.

Try taking advantage of events to gain money. Event items are special, and after that event is over, can go for huge amounts. For example, during the 2006 Valentine's Day event, monsters were programmed to drop Valentine's Roses. While the Yellow Rose was extremely cheap during that time (average price was 1000 Mesos), being the weakest rose, at Christmas, the price would go up. On a another note, during that event, monsters were also programmed to drop Wish Tickets and Red Envelopes. Red Envelopes could be cashed in at a special NPC called "Mr. Moneybags" for a minimum of 1000 Mesos and a maximum of 10,000,000 Mesos. Wish Tickets could also be sold to other players for around 2.5K each during that time, as they could be similarly cashed in at Amoria to Mr. Sandman for various items and equipments.
MapleStory Anniversary events are also to be taken advantage of, as Maple Equips are worth hundreds of thousands of mesos on the Free Market, even if merely Maple Flags. So never underestimate the worth of event items. The simple reason is this: supply stops, demand remains the same, therefore price rises.
Different Classes, Different Strategies

This section lists tips that are specific to different classes.

Beginners - well, there aren't any really easy ways to do this, unless you are training to be a Warrior - You will be able to kill Orange Mushrooms with ease around lvl 8-10, which you can find on Maple Island, where you probably are. If you are on Victoria Island, and are still a Beginner, then advance to your class as fast as possible so you can take advantage of some of the other strategies. If you are planning to be Perma-Beginner, try the methods up top.

Swordsman (1st job) You deal great damage, so take advantage of it, and kill Orange Mushrooms while others are stuck to Slimes. They will give you more mesos than killing Slimes. In fact, if you have a good enough Swordsman, you can even try slaughtering the monsters around Perion. It's quite possible, with a good enough weapon and well-built character. Though Dark and Dark Axe Stumps are a big step up from Orange Mushrooms and Slimes, it is still possible to kill them with a good level 10+ Swordsman. The monsters around Perion give around 30-50 Mesos and enough experience to boost you into the level 20s.
And when you're at levels 20-25, kill Blue Mushroom and Horny Mushrooms. You should be able to get more mesos than other monsters and you can selling the Blue Mushroom Caps to other players who are doing the quest "Pia and the Blue Mushroom". A suggested selling price is around 100 mesos each, to make a good profit.
There are other ways to get money as a Swordman. Try to max out Slash Blast early, so you can hit more than 1 enemy at once. This allows you to gain mesos more quicky, if you jump into a group of enemies and SB them to death. Also try to kill something that drops equips that you can use, to avoid having to spend money of buying them. Note that Slash Blast takes HP to use, so you should prepare to pay for the cost of healing items or you should put some points into the Warrior's basic healing skills if you want to avoid paying.


Although there's not too much you can do at the lower levels, at lvl 20-30 you should be the strongest class of all, oweing to your ranged magical attacks (many monsters don't have high Magic Defence) and able to slaughter enemies others wouldn't be able until they're at level 30+. This can be taken advantage of by allowing you to kill the more powerful enemies and claim their plentiful mesos, which should be more than the weaker creatures most other classes are confined to should drop. Also, like with the Warrior, try to kill something that drops equips that you can use, to spare you having to spend the mesos to buy them, though, like all the other classes, if you DO chance upon a rare equip you can't use, you can sell it off for a profit to those who can.

With this class, it is somewhat more difficult to make mesos than others. This is because Bowmen don't have overly high strength, don't have skills monsters are weak against, and can't become temporarily immortal, like Thieves. What's more, Bowmen actually consume mesos by needing to spend money for arrows, unless you were lucky and found a Stiff Feather and some Tree Branches or Firewood to take to Vicious to make some arrows with. The one thing they are good at is ranged attacking, however, so that is what you can take advantage of. Find a map you can snipe high levelled enemies at. The map north of Henesys has snipable Blue Mushrooms, and they give good money as well as exp. If you were lucky like me, you may even find they drop a few equips (around level 20 equips) to sell to higher-levelled players.
The Henesys Hunting Grounds on Channel 1 are an excellent place to earn some lazy money. There are plenty of high-levelled grinders there who just kill the monsters and leave the drops (some of the higher-levelled people even leave the ores). While lower-levelled players occasionally pick up dropped equipment, the maplestory mesos are the one thing usually left on the ground. You can just speed through and collect up the mesos left behind by players. Just be careful of Item Vacuum Hackers.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

How To Get Rich in MapleStory

Well people keep on asking me why im "So Rich....". So i decided to make a guide on doing so...
Pots...More pots!POTS
Well I always hear people saying how they can earn money if they are burning pots!
Answer : Kill monsters that drop more mesos and expensive item that cost more than ur pots.... You should also take advantage of you skills For Exp: Mages have Mp Recovery which allow you to stop wasting pots and save mesos but it certainly doesnt save time....(this is how to get rich guide not how to save time..)
This is for lucky people who come across noobs... Buy low sell high!
For example: last week i saw a noob selling tobis for 1.5 mil.... NO TIME TO THINK OF YOU MORALS AND TELL TEH NOOB ITS WORTH 2.5 MIL!
You take advantage.... Try to bargain it out with him... tomake it sound like he is over pricing it... if your really lucky he will lower it in my case he did ... he sold the tobi to me for 1.3 mil... easy 1.2 mil gain...
I sold as high as possible at 2.5 mil for tobis...
IF your buying items you should look for the people that been trying to sell a certain item for a long time... the are mostly more easy to suade.. Bargain liek crzy!
Hunting is always important but it might make you lose money or gain tremendously
You should hunt something that is easy to kill but drops Godly items
Example: Jr yetis... they drop 60% attk scroll (EASY MONEY!)

I found evil wingz l form were wolves ...lost 10k in pots....(found in 15mins.. i know peopel that lost 10 mil in pots still havent found...)Gained 90+mil
Be Friendly!
This is 2nd or most important! I never defame peopel unless they defame me, annoy me for mroe than 20 mins.....or say a racist joke... Befriend as many people as you can...You never know what you get back...(Random69.... you know what im talking about..)
pick up every thing !!!! you are nevr too"pro" to pick up stuff... And if a "pro" doest pick up ask him if you can loot and if he agrees pick up every thing...(Cant wait till pets come out...)
During low levels you should skip equipment inorder to save but during high levls it is not worth seving a few millions in order to save those mills
WHY? because you will waste that amount on pots...
for Exp: i Just bought a int cap for 5 mil... when kill white pangs i usely take 3 shots with the cape i have 2shots....imagine killing 2 million pangs to lvl ... and let say it take 3 more lvl to take the same effects as my cape... it would take 3 lvl of 3 shot which would add up jsut buying the cape... lvling faster and more efficently thus using less pots... and saving money and gainig maplestory mesos
Pick up every mesos etc you find... 10 mesos is better than nothing(make that you slogan)

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

How to Get MapleStory Mesos

This guide is ONLY for people who are UNfunded. If you are funded, you might find this guide useless since you already have a character with lots of maplestory mesos. However, you are always welcome to follow this guide to get even richer.

This guide was made to help people gain mesos. Everyone wants to be rich but people do stupid things to get rich that actually will make them poor. This guide will not gaurentee to make you rich to the point you can buy anything you want but it will get you richer than before.
Some people dislike hunting because it wastes money and slows down your leveling speed. That is because they do not know how to hunt EFFICIENTLY. However, if know how to hunt, you can get rich (based on your luck) really fast. Hunting is like gambling. A person who hunts will level WAY slower than a person who trains. That person will also spend much more money than the other. But the reward for the person who hunts is WAY better than the person who trains.
Mesos Making for Low Levels (lvl 30 or below)
How to save money

There are many ways to save money. The most common way people came up with is to spend less pots while leveling. Lets say you are a warrior and you spend about 100 white pots per level power training. If you conserve your hp pots by resting on a safe spot for your hp to recharge, you will spend 0 white pots and only mana pots (if you use any special attacks). You have just saved 100 * 320 = 32k per level on pots ONLY. For mages, this goes with mp. However, this is NOT recommended if you want to level fast for your 2nd job advance. This is an inefficient way of leveling. Also, the money you spend on pots will probably break even from monster's mesos and drops.

Distributing your ap points can save you tons of maplestory mesos. For warriors and mages, putting points into hp recov/mp recov will save you money from buying pots. Saving points for special attacks (lucky 7, magic claw, double arrow, power slash, etc) also will allow you to spend less pots (example: lvl 10 lucky 7 wastes 8 mp but lvl 11 wastes 11 mp and you only get a lil more damage out of it, so save the next 10 points and put them at the end).

Another way to save money is to buy cheaper equipments. For example, a sin with 4 subis and 2 wolbis wants to get better stars to deal more damage. He goes and buy 4 mokbis and 2 icicles. He deals more damage after the stars but spend more than a million mesos. Why not just stick to your subis and wolbis? At your current level, str/int/luk/dex/matk/watk will not increase your damage to the point you can 2 hit somthing that is 5 levels higher than you. So why bother wasting money on that? Remember, don't waste money IS saving money.

How to gain money

Gaining money could be fun and enjoyable. There are three ways to gain money: getting drops, doing quests, and buying/trading items.

Getting drops: Dropping rate is random. There are no tricks to this. This is based on your luck. If you are lucky, you get more drops. If you are unlucky...too bad for you. I can do nothing about it. If you get less drops than others, don't complain or whine. You are simply unlucky. Besides, getting drops is not the only way to make money. However, you can get better drops than others from different types of monsters that will improve your mesos gain per drop.

Doing Quests: Quests are fun to do (for some people at least). I love doing quests. It is fun and you get good mesos/items out of it. Here are some quests that give you decent mesos/items/exp.

I'm Bored

Teo's reminiscence

Nella and Kerning City Citizens Request #1

Nella and Kerning City Citizens Request #2

Pia and the Blue Mushroom

Shumi's Lost CoinCamila's Gem

Sabitrama and the Diet Medicine

Mystery of Niora Hospital

Jane and the Wild Boar

Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money

Nemi's Dilemma

Toy Soldier's Walnut

Buying/Trading Items: A very important skill that everyone should learn. This could make you as rich as a lvl 70 person if you do it right. First you buy an item that is cheap, then you sell it for high! It is that easy! But this will waste most of your time gathering information on the average price of items, sellers, and buyers. This is not highly recommended if you are still at a low level (due to low amount of mesos).

Leveling areas that will make you rich

From level 10-20 level at slimes, or pigs if you are in the late 20s

From level 20-30 level at bubblings, octopus, green mushrooms, horn mushrooms, tricksters, brown teddy, drum bunny.

Hunting for Low Levels (lvl 30 or below)

How to hunt efficiently

Always, I mean always, hunt monsters that are no more than 3 levels above your level (for below lvl 30 people). Why? First, your accuracy sucks. Most of the you will be missing against high level monsters. Second, your damage sucks. Last, you will not make that much more mesos out of hunting than training, so why bother? You can hunt with a party of 2 or 3, but that is very uncommon. Infact, I rarely see ANY lvl 30 or below people hunting at...lets say evil eyes. They will lose tons of money and the drops aren't that great. For people who want to hunt at higher monsters like fireboars or curse eyes, YOU WILL GET RAPED. DON'T GO THERE YOU WILL WASTE TONS OF POTS, EXP, AND TIME.

Places to hunt

For level 10-20 hunt at pigs (around 10-13), octopus (around 13-17), bubblings and green mushrooms (around 17-20).

For level 20-30 hunt at dark axed stumps and undead mushrooms (around 20-23), wild boars and evil eyes (around 23-27), brown teddy, tricksters and drum bunny (around 27-30).


Pros: More mesos, better drops (if you get lucky)

Cons: VERY slow leveling, low damage, terrible accuracy, waste of money, a high chance of dying.

My recommendation

My recommendation is to get to lvl 30 as fast as possible before even think of hunting. Low level people shouldn't hunt due to their terrible accuracy and damage. Most people would like to get to 2nd job as fast as they can. Until then hunting is very boring and ineffecient.
Mesos Making for High Levels (lvl 30 or above)
How to save money

Basically the same thing with the previous one for low levels, except now you have more money and can buy scrolls and more expensive items. Scroll for weapon could cost up to 800k and scroll for armor could cost up to 4 mil! Scrolling items can be highly rewarded but also devastating. A lucky person might get a 10% glove atk on his/her first try and perfect scroll the rest of the slots with 60%s. An unlucky person might end up with only 1 or 2 60%s to work. The cost for a 60% glove atk is at least 2 mil, 2 * 5 = 10 mil. If only 1 or 2 worked, the price of the glove will go down to as low as 1 mil for the 2 atk and 3 mil for the 4 atk. That is a HUGE lost of money and it might happen to anyone. Yes that means you too. I had an experience when I wanted to get a 10% glove for dex to work on a clean wg, so i purchased 32 10% glove dex and made 32 wg (around 3.5 mil). None of the scrolls worked. Don't try your luck with scrolls UNLESS you are rich enough to buy all your weapons/equipments and your scrolls and still have leftovers for another set of equipements and pots. Rather than trying your luck, you can always buy a prescrolled weapon/armor. People tend to sell them for more than the total cost of the equipement and scrolls (if it is decent scrolled) because they got the scrolls to work. Save up your money and buy a GOOD prescrolled armor/weapon that will last you for at least 5 levels. This way you can level up faster and be able to actually sell your item due to high demands for prescrolled items.

How to gain money

Now you are past the first job you should have no problem getting money to afford pots. However, if you want decent weapons and equipments you better know how to gain money or else it will take you ages to get your dream weapon and equipment. Ways of gaining money I've already mentioned in my previous paragraphs are buy/sell, scrolling, quests, and getting drops. All the above 30 quests are mostly profeitable. Trading is a bit different from below level 30. Now you have enough money to invest on better items such as scrolled weapons/equipments, scrolls, ores, and quest items.

If you don't gain money, don't give up. My opinion, level 30-40 is the HARDEST and MOST BORING period of levels. You will depend on drops from evil eyes, boars, fire boars, jr kitties, and curse eyes (exluding the ludi monsters because I do not know their level of efficiency of training) and they drop barely any good equipments that will make you rich. From level 40 to 50, training might still get dull, but the drops aren't as bad. Now, from level 50 to 60 you will notice that you will gain a HUGE amount of maplestory mesos from drops. From level 30-40 I barely made a million, level 40-50 around 3 million, level 50-60 30 million. My point is if you think you are not getting rich from level 30-50, bare the hardships, because after that period you will find your wallet overflooded with mesos.

Leveling areas that will make you rich

From level 30-40 level at brown teddy, drum bunny, fire boars, jr kitties, dark letties, lorangs, latz, pink teddy, Roloduck, Tick, Panda Teddy, Chronos

From level 40-50 level at fire boars, copper drakes, jr pepes, lunar pixies, chronos, zombie lupins, tick tock, Platoon Chronos, Tobo

From level 50-60 level at drakes, clang, umti, wraiths, jr yeti, kitties, hectors, lunar pixies, Platoon Chronos, Master Chronos, Tobo, Master Robo

From level 60-70 level at cargos, tauromacis, dark stone gollems, yetis, white pangs, Soul Teddy, Master Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy

From level 70+ level at...anywhere you want (except for bains, thantos, gatekeeper, Papulatus until 80/90 ish)
Hunting for High Levels (lvl 30 or above)
How to hunt efficiently

Hunt monsters that you can kill within 5 hits that usually have low kb or speed from level 30-60. 70+ you can hunt any monsters you want as long as you don't get killed within 3 hits. Party would be REALLy helpful for hunts. Always have a cleric or an assasin in your party, or both in a big hunt.

Places to hunt

Some places to hunt for level 60 or below are yetis, dark yetis, cargos, tauromacis, taurospears, werewovles, Soul Teddy, Master Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy, Klock, Lucidias, Cerebes

Places to hunt for level 60+ are tauromacis, yetis, dark yetis, Lucidias, Cerebes, ynp, dark ynp, werewolves, lycanthropes, jr rog, c rog, Buffoon, dark klock, deep buffroon, bains, Ghost Pirate, death teddy, master death teddy, dual ghost pirate, Spirit Viking, Phantom Watch, Grim Phantom Watch, Gigantic Spirit Viking, Thantos, Gatekeeper


Pros: way better drops than regular training, fun, more maplestory mesos per monster

Cons: wastes time, spends more money on pots than regular training, chance of dying

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Kerning City Party Quest

Kerning City Party Quest - Stage 1

Kerning City Party Quest - Stage 2

Kerning City Party Quest - Stage 3

Kerning City Party Quest - Stage 4

Kerning City Party Quest - Final Stage

Kerning City Party Quest - Bonus Stage

Kerning City Party Quest - Exit Stage


Party Quest - Stage 1

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quests

Talk to Lakelis who is located in Kerning City, near the sewer. Form a party of 4 members before you click on Lakelis to do the party quest.

maplestory mesos

1. Walk to the right of the map and talk to Cloto.

2. Cloto will ask you a question and you have to answer it by collecting the exact amount of coupons for the question.

Tips* Questions that will be asked by Cloto and the answers:

i. Level to become Magician (8 coupons)

ii. Level to become other job (10 coupons)

iii. DEX needed to become a thief or an archer (25 coupons)

iv. STR needed to become a warrior (35 coupons)

v. INT needed to become a magician (20 coupons)

vi. EXP needed to Level 2 from Level 1 (15 coupons)

3. Once you have collected the right amount of coupon for the answer of your question, talk to Cloto and you will receive a pass.

4. If you're not the leader of the party, pass the yellow Pass to your party leader. If you are the party leader, collect all 3 pass from your party members.

5. For the party leader, once you have collected all 3 Passes, talk to Cloto and the portal will be opened for the next stage.

Party Quest - Stage 2

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

1. Walk to the right of the map and talk to Cloto.

2. The party members should climb on each vine while you, the party leader should stand aside and click Cloto till you get the right combination.

3. If the combination is wrong, try the other combination by asking one of the party members to climb the other empty vine. Keep trying until you get the correct combination.

4. Once you have the right combination, the portal will be opened for the next stage.

Party Quest - Stage 3

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

This level is another combination with 5 platforms (1 kitten as platform 1, 2 kittens as platform 2, and so on)

1. Walk to the right of the map and talk to Cloto.

2. The party members should get on the platform while you, the party leader should stand aside and click Cloto till you get the correct combination.

Tips* It is recommended that the party go through the combinations in numerical order:

1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-3-4, 1-3-5, 1-4-5, 2-3-4, 2-3-5, 2-4-5, 3-4-5

3. Keep trying the recommended combinations in numerical order till you get the correct combination.

4. Once you get the correct combination, the portal will be opened for the next stage.

Party Quest - Stage 4

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

This level is another combination with 6 platform barrels.

1. Climb up all the way and talk to Cloto who is located at the right side of the map..

2. The party members should get on the platform barrels while you, the party leader should stand aside and click Cloto till you get the correct combination.

Tips* It is recommended that the party go through the combinations in numerical order:

1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-2-6, 1-3-4, 1-3-5, 1-3-6, 1-4-5, 1-4-6, 1-5-6, 2-3-4, 2-3-5, 2-3-6, 2-4-5, 2-4-6, 2-5-6, 3-4-5, 3-4-6, 3-5-6

3. Keep trying the recommended combinations in numerical order till you get the correct combination.

4. Once you get the correct combination, the portal will be opened for the next stage.

Party Quest - Final Stage

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

Tips* Wait for some time at the entrance of the map and wait for the monsters to spawn so that you have enough Passes.

1. Jump down and fight three Curse Eyes.

Tips* Monsters do actually drop Pass now even though it is a corner kill. Wizet fixed that bug in the new patch.

2. Collect the Passes after killing the Curse Eyes and go through the portal on the left to the lower level.

3. This time there are Jr. Neckis below. Jump down and kill 6 Jr. Neckis.

4. Collect the Passes that dropped by Jr. Neckis.

5. Proceed to the lower level through the portal on the right.

6. Prepare potions and support skills before jumping down to fight King Slime.

7. Once you're ready, jump down and take on King Slime.

Note* Becareful of its Earthquake skill. The damage is high.

8. Once you have taken down King Slime, climb back up to Cloto.

9. Make sure you have enough Passes to clear the Final stage. If you don't have enough Passes to clear the stage, you have no choice but to get out of here by clicking Nella.

10. After talking to Cloto, you'll receive your reward and will be teleported to the Bonus Stage.

Note* Look out on the right bottom of your screen to know what prize you have received from Nella. You'll be automatically be taken to the Exit Stage once you talk to Nella again.

Party Quest - Bonus Stage

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

This Bonus Stage is filled with Horned Mushroom and Green Mushroom. The spawn rate is high in this area. Please be considerate as to not stay in this area too long, and let other parties participate in the Party Quest.

Note* Look out on the right bottom of your screen to know what prize you have received from Nella.

1. Walk towards Nella and talk to her. You will be teleported to the Exit Stage.

Party Quest - Exit Stage

You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

Talk to Nella, and you and your party members will be taken outside into Kerning City once again.

Monday, 23 November 2009

MapleStory Guild Quest Guide


1 party member who is at least level 30 or below.

1 party member who is a Thief with Dark Sight skill.

1 party member who is a Magician with Teleport and Dispel skill.

1 party member who is a Ranger/Sniper.

Party members with good jumping skills.

Guild Quest - Stage 0

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

1. The Guild Master or Jr. Master needs to acquire a queue number from NPC Shuang. The party member who registers for the Guild Quest is the party leader for the quest. maplestory mesos

2. When you receive a notice that it's your guild's turn, party members must gather at NPC Shuang and double click on him.

3. The party members will be transported automatically to the next map.

4. 3 minutes will be given for any last-minute organization of the party.

5. Once the 3 minutes is up, enter the portal and start hitting the purple crystal on the rocks until you obtain a Protector Rock for each of your party member.

Purple crystal on the rock

6. It is compulsary to equip the Protector Rock before entering the next stage, or else the party member who doesn't equip it will die instantly.

Guild Quest - Stage 1

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

1. There is 3 kinds of statue as you enter the Stage 1.

2. The main purpose of this stage is to follow/mimic according to the combination of the glowing statues by hitting it.

Statue A Statue B Statue c

3. The guild members are appointed all over the map to observe the combination of the glowing statues.

4. Once the guild members are in position, the party leader talks to Gatekeeper who is located in the middle of the map and the combination will be initiated.

5. This stage involve 3 parts:

- 4 combination of glowing statue

- 5 combination of glowing statue

- 6 combination of glowing statue


6. Once you have cleared the stage, enter the portal, walk to the other end of the map and enter the next stage.

Guild Quest - Stage 2

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

Hall of the Knight

In this stage, there are 4 rooms: Room A, Room B, Room C and Room D where a task has to be performed in each of the rooms.

Do take note that certain rooms require certain skills from party members in order to clear the stage. It is advisable for the leader to assign the party members with the appropriate skills to each room to minimise time wastage.

This stage basically requires party members to obtain 4 Longinus Spears to unlock the door and move on to the next stage at the bottom right of the map. To put the Longinus Spear into your inventory, press jump and then press the appointed key to pick up the item.


1. 3 party members with good jumping skills are required as there are 3 sections of the jumping quest: Jumping Quest 1 (JQ1), Jumping Quest 2 (JQ2) and Jumping Quest 3 (JQ3).

2. Once the party member has reached the top, hit the chain until it is broken and take the Longinus Spear. There should be a total of 3 Longinus Spears in this room.


1. Attackers and probably 1 healer would be appropriate for this stage where the party members would have to kill Muscle Stones and Master Muscle Stones on the bottom and top platform to obtain 1 Key.

Muscle Stone Master Muscle Stone Key

2. The Key will be picked up by one of the party member to unlock Room C (Room of Pledge).


1. Party member with any level of Dark Sight (Thief) and Teleport (Magician) skill is needed to clear this room. DO NOT TOUCH THE MUSCLE STONES ON THE TOP PLATFORM AS THEY DEAL A GREAT AMOUNT OF DAMAGE TO PARTY MEMBERS.

2. To unlock the door to this room, simply drop the obtained Key from Room B in front of the door and wait for about 3-5 seconds.

3. The Magician with the Teleport skill should teleport to the end of the map on the right at the bottom platform.

4. Once he or she reached the end of the map, hit the piled stones and box to obtain 1 Rusty Key.
Rusty Key

5. Teleport back to the left and pass the obtained Rusty Key to the Thief with Dark Sight. Make sure the Thief does not have the Longinus Spear in his/her inventory.

6. At the top platform, the Thief will have to use his or her Dark Sight skill and walk all the way to the end of the map on the right.

7. There will be a door on the right that is locked. Drop the Rusty Key in front of the door and wait for 3-5 seconds for the door to be unlocked.

8. Head into the room, hit the chain to break it and take the Longinus Spear.

9. Use Dark Sight skill again and head out of the room on the left.


1. 4 party members with the Haste skill at max level and at least Level 17 Teleport skill is needed for this room. Also, make sure these 4 party members have Longinus Spears in their inventories.

2. This room is another jumping quest which has 4 sections: Jumping Quest 1 (JQ1), Jumping Quest 2 (JQ2), Jumping Quest 3 (JQ3), Jumping Quest 4 (JQ4)

3. 2 party members with Haste skill should do JQ1 and JQ2.

4. 1 party member should complete JQ3 by following the combination of 2-1-5-2-2-1-2 to reach the top.

5. 1 party member with Level 17 Teleport jumps JQ4.

6. Once the party members reach the top, drop the Longinus Spear directly on the altar.

7. An earthquake will occur, which means that the door to the next stage has been unlocked. Move out to Hall of the Knight and head to the bottom right of the map to enter the next stage.

Guild Quest - Stage 3

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

Fountain of the Wiseman

1. As you enter Stage 3, you will encounter several Black Knights and Myst Knights. Kill them before you talk to Guard Statue.

Black Knight Myst Knight Guard Statue

2. Black Knight and Myst Knight will drop a total of 4 Badge Of Courage and 4 Wisdom Scroll.

Badge Of Courage Wisdom Scroll

3. One of the party members should head up to the top left of the map into the Wine Cellar and hit all the boxes to obtain a total of 4 700-yr-old Jr. Necki Whiskey.

700-yr-old Jr. Necki Whiskey

4. On the other hand, the other party members should go to the top right of the map into the Center Banquet and hit the covered food to obtain a total of 4 Spoiled Food.

Spoiled Food

5. Once you have obtained all the items, drop any of the obtained items in front of the statue and get the correct combination to clear this stage.

6. Every failed try of the combination will spawn 2 Black Knights on either side of the map. Inform your party members to prepare themselves for the attack after each try.

7. If the combination is still wrong after 7 tries, a large amount of Black Knights and Myst Knights will spawn, and the entire combination will be reset.

Guild Quest - Stage 4

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

Underground Waterway

1. Double click on Sharen III's Will. He will request your party members to obtain 4 items for him.

Sharen III's Shoes from Hole 1

Sharen III's Pants from Hole 2

Sharen III's Top from Hole 3

Sharen III's Crown from Hole 4

2. Assign the party members to obtain the items from each hole, depending on the character's requirement to get the item.


1. This hole requires attackers and at least 1 healer to kill 9 Puppet Golems. There will be a total of 9 Sign Of Evil dropped by the Puppet Golems.

Puppet Golem Sign of Evil

2. Collect the 9 Sign Of Evil and drop them in front of the door on the right side of the map to unlock it.

3. Enter the door and a party member is required to do the jumping quest.

4. Once the party member has reached the other end of the map, hit the box and pick up 1 Sharen III's Pants.


1. Hole 2 is basically another jumping quest. A party member with good jumping skill should complete this jumping quest.

2. Jump to the top left of the map, hit the box and pick up 1 Sharen III's Shoes.


1. Hole 3 requires A PARTY MEMBER BELOW LEVEL 30 .

2. Head into the hole and Devil Slimes will spawn.

Devil Slime

3. Collect all the Sign Of Evil and drop it in front of the door on the top right of the map to unlock it.

4. Enter the door and there will be a jumping quest to be done.

5. Jump until the party member reaches the top left of the map, hit the box and pick up 1 Sharen III's Top.


1. Hole 4 requires A HERMIT WITH KEEN EYE SKILL AT MAX LEVEL or A SNIPER/RANGER (preferably a Sniper or a Ranger) to kill the Gargoyle at the top of the map.
2. After that, kill all the other Jr. Gargoyles and pick up a total of 8 Sign Of Evil.

3. Drop the collected items in front of the door to unlock it.

4. Enter the door to go into the next map.

5. Teleport by pressing up in front of the holes until the party member reaches the top of the map, hit the box, and pick up 1 Sharen III's Crown.

Guild Quest - Stage 5

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

From Underground Water map (Stage 5)

Sharen III's Grave

1. In Sharen III's Grave, drop the collected items in front of the skull on the right side of the map in order:

Sharen III's Shoes

Sharen III's Pants

Sharen III's Top

Sharen III's Crown.

2. Wait for a few seconds, and Sharen III's Spirit will appear.

Sharen III's Spirit

3. Sharen III's Spirit will then break the sealed door. Enter the door to the next map.

4. In the next room, another door on the right side of the map is locked and can only be opened if one of the party members sacrifice himself/herself.

5. To sacrifice, one of the party members simply drop the Protector Rock in front of the door. The party member will then die instantly and the door will be unlocked. It is preferable to sacrifice the lowest level party member, ie: a less than Level 30 character.

6. Once the door is unlocked, enter the door to proceed to the final stage.

Guild Quest - Stage 6 (Final Stage)

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

1. This is the final stage where party members will encounter the final boss, Ergoth.


2. Prepare all of the party's supportive skills before breaking the crystal on the throne at the right side of the map for Ergoth to be released.

3. Once prepared, break the crystal. Hidden Street wishes you all the best in fighting Ergoth.

4. Beware of its bodyguards too: Lion Statue A, Lion Statue B, Knight Statue A, Knight Statue B.

5. After you have killed Ergoth, proceed to the Bonus Stage.

Lion Statue A Lion Statue B

Knight Statue A Knight Statue B

Guild Quest - Bonus Stage

You need to belong to a guild and be inside a party with at least 6 people.

1. Hit as many boxes within 30 seconds to obtain random items from the boxes.

2. Once the time is up, the party will be teleported to the exit of the Guild Quest.