Wednesday 20 June 2012

The KoC are here

The long awaited Knights of Cygnus job has been added to MapleStory after months of anticipation, but thy aren’t all the hype. It seems these characters are only good for the main characters of your account since they add weapon attack and magic attack to them. I have heard multiple accounts of maplers quitting MapleStory for good because of the disgust that this new job brings tot he game.

Cygnus Knights’ max level is only 120. Already, about 30 users have level 120 Cygnus characters and they have only been out for about 72 hours. That’s serious gaming if you ask me. The skills are et back since this job maxes at 120. For example, Night Walkers will get flash jump at level 30 and triple throw at level 70. I know it’s not fair until you actually make the character, but it is well worth it.

Maple treats these characters like royalty: giving them medals, special quests, and even a throne at the select character menu. I hope it doesn’t catch on too quickly. One advantage for me is that many of the people who are quitting have volunteered to give me their equips. I’m talking 80+ mages and hermit, dk’s and snipers all giving me very expensive equips. You’ll hear back from me once i cash in off of this sweet deal.

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