It should be noted once more that assassins are often very expensive. Huge amount to: the need to maintain a strong assassin. The price of stars, banners, claws, pharmaceutical, and other random items and equipment can be very difficult. Members of Parliament do not have a Master evil regeneration, so burn Members of Congress continue to syrup. In addition, archers, assassins barely defeat the monster, so they have a wider range of throwing stars.
Assassins are a very common class on GMS, and prices for their equipment are inflated. Claws and Scrolls cost upwards of millions of Maplestory Mesos, and the highest attack stars, Crystal Ilbis, can now sell for up to 90 million Mesos. However, due to constant changing economies, prices of stars differ. The price an Assassin pays to have decent equipment is basically offset by their large amounts of speed. With Haste maxed, an Assassin can travel across an entire map quite quickly, killing monsters along the way.
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