Monday, 16 August 2010
Guide for Exchange Quest In MapleStory
Other items, like Bain Collars and Lycanthrope Toenails, are merely a novelty exchange, as the reward likely pales in comparison to the items gained while hunting down the monsters in Maplestory. Some projects also purchased a large number of low level characters using the standard. Though a character leveled by this method needs to be a minimum level 10 to reach Orbis, training is incredibly fast, gaining 500 exp in a matter of seconds.
At a higher level, however, this approach becomes less effective. Eventually, the exchange became merely a useful way to remove unwanted programs and other projects, although net sales between them is always an option. Solid horns are usually preferred to level up a lower-level character, due to the number of players training on the Jr. Kitties at any one time. Zombie Teeth are more expensive, but the chance of getting a Fairy Wing as a reward can offset this extra cost.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
AcornStory -- Playing a Thief
AcornStory is our new ongoing feature where we help you get started in Maple World – everything from choosing a class to finding friends to understanding combat to tips for account security. MapleStory is easy to learn, but once you learn the basic game mechanics, where do you go and what do you do? That’s where AcornStory can help.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Zones of Island In Maplestory!
Maple Island
(image: maps>"maple island") Maple Island is in the game, everyone will start their journey as a beginner the first place. This is the new player can start to learn and use their character's basic skills of the game. The place consists of small towns made up of houses and shops and inhabited by monsters that randomly and constantly appear in Maplestory.
There are three towns that make up the island, these are the "Mushroom Town", a town with quests that will require players to perform simple tasks while learning the basics of jumping and attacking; "Amherst", another small town where one will find an armory and shop for potions; and "South Perry", otherwise known as the harbor town, where you will board a ship to get to Victoria Island. It is recommended to stay at Maple Island until one has reached level 8 for would-be-Magicians and level 10 for the other classes
Friday, 2 July 2010
Description for Maplestory Beginner
To become a Pirate in Maplestory, you must be at least Level 10 and have 25 DEX.
Go to Victoria Island.
Pay 100 mesos to Phil at Lith Harbor to get to Nautilus Harbor.
Go to the Nautilus's Navigation Room inside the Nautilus; walk to your right, go into a portal with a up sign on top, and walk to the far-left portal and go inside, next to Muirhat.
Talk to Kyrin.
To Become a Magician
To become a Magician, you must be at least Level 8 and have 20 int.
Go to Victoria Island
Pay 100 mesos to Phil at Lith Harbor to get to Ellinia.
Go to the Magic Library at the very top of Ellinia.
Talk to Grendel the Really Old.
To Become a Thief
To become a Thief, you must be at least Level 8 and have 25 DEX.
Go to Victoria Island.
Pay 100 mesos to Phil at Lith Harbor to get to Kerning City.
Go to the Thieves' Hideout.
Talk to the Dark Lord.
After you have advanced to your 1st job, you instructor will give you a skill book that contains all the skills, your job can use at the first job advancement.
Monday, 21 June 2010
MapleStory Player Guide for Event
User is a notification about events in Maplestory from the top of the screen scroll box. Event is the influx of well-known players brought to the location of each event, which usually results in a large number of connection lag. Special events include Christmas activities, wedding activities, drawing activities, and find out. For example, players might need to find a project and return to the event for the people's congress or general manager.
Occasionally, certain versions of the game hold events that celebrate a certain event in real-life or an event specific to that version, such as a holiday or new server release. During these events, certain aspects of the game are modified in celebration. For example, the experience rate or drop rate may be increased, or special items may be released.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Choose a World To Play Maplestory
You may find yourself changing channels a lot to find a channel with no one in a spot you want to train in, depending on how popular the spot is. The same goes for trying to enter party quests. Scania and Windia probably have the highest population in Maplestory right now. We choose Windia since it's a little less than Scania, but still high enough that there is not a lack of people for whatever we may want/need.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Maplestory Killing Of Thoughs
The 5 marksman can snipe at least 3 times against pink bean.
The paladin can heaven's hammer(sanctuary) at least twice against pink bean.
The 4 shadowers can ds + assasinate +bs at least twice against pink bean.
In the event that they do full damage, It will be marksman 199k x5 x3 approximately 3m, paladin hh(sanctuary) approx 199kx2 = 400k, 4 shadowers assasinate = not sure on the optimum damage here. Total = approx 3.4m of theoretical damage.
Hope that some1 will down Pink Bean soon. Remember Pink bean requires the effort of the server and there are many washed players around, except that they may not be prominent, it takes effort to find them.
BTW, Corsairs have high DPM instead of NLs, you can substitute your party with some 16k hp corsairs. Though NLs may be preferred for their high avoidance which will be higher + other avoidance. MM should be included for their kb but finding 26k with hb is a challenge. However the real challenge is finding:
at least 8 nl with at least 16k hp ,26k hb.
at least 4 shadowers with at least 16k hp,26k hb.
at least 5 bm/mm with at least 16k hp,26k hb.
at least 3 hero 3 paladin 5 dark knight with 30k hp with hb.
Monday, 31 May 2010
MapleStory Useful Guide
Boss in Maplestory - they do not give up any good thing, considering that most spawning a 30-1 hour (average boss, blue mushmom spawning rate, 24 hours we believe). And in most cases, you have been ks'ed high-level figures, that bishop.
Events - we have heard Maple Leaf is selling the 4 - 8K each (ie - 1000 = 4 million - 800 million). Only to find a good nesting place, or do casandras frame material, you are one, and if you are lucky 500 leaves.
Hunting rare items - hate us, if you want, but spending hours hare grinding on drums, cubic mud, cold eyes, or zombie mushrooms, (Zombie and the drum small dungeones) and persistent organic pollutants rolling a confusion - the value of 50-80 mill. Currently, there are still millions of lonely unless the reason interferes with the market. (Killed 6 weeks Feng economy).
However, note down the rabbit drum, red whip, (1-5 plants), panlid (50 million - 2mill), scroll, and a large number of leaves (600 per 1 hour average). As the killing rate. Bubblings drop maple shield, also cube mud - 10-30 Mill still, but in a week, which will significantly lower (keep 3-6 months, it is 25-50 per mill).
Small selkie, 60 level, - 220 import and export, 4.8 - 5.2k hp, drops steelies. - Red drakes steelies. The views of the other heirs, so that of Panax quinquefolius in the money, selling pot, and level them as insane, come back, your level, and requested 70 + happy mapling.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Where to choose good loction to train for Claw Rogues In Maplestory
Now, you have lucky seven, killing mud is very easy. If your funds, if you have an additional, higher level features in Maplestory, you can take some money, buy better claw or throwing stars over and over again to lose weight more easily experiment Ellinia. Fear of assassins power. Another option for levels 10-14/16 is to kill orange mushrooms, they give more experience than slimes and can generally be killed in 3-4 hits. If you put your level 10 skill point on lucky 7, regular pigs can be killed using only 3 stars. Henesys Party Quest is a good option.
Level 14-16: Go up the levels of Henesys Hunting Grounds. HHG 3 is generally the best open empty spot. Because it is difficult to find the number of pigs is not next to the ribbon pig to travel, in addition to all the towns, kill all the killable perion. Another good leveling location is the map East of Kerning City, where you can easily kill Octopus and Green Mushroom, giving you quick EXP, although be sure to stock up on potions! Leveling should be extremely fast if you are funded with kumbis or better.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Warrior Skills and Builds for Level 1-16 In Maplestory
Improving HP Recovery Master Level in Maplestory: 16. With this, you will recover even more HP every 10 seconds while standing still.
Level 1: Recover additional +3 HP.
Level 2: Recover additional +6 HP.
Level 3: Recover additional +9 HP.
Level 4: Recover additional +12 HP.
Level 5: Recover additional +15 HP.
Level 6: Recover additional +18 HP.
Level 7: Recover additional +21 HP.
Level 8: Recover additional +24 HP.
Level 9: Recover additional +27 HP.
Level 10: Recover additional +30 HP.
Level 11: Recover additional +33 HP.
Level 12: Recover additional +36 HP.
Level 13: Recover additional +39 HP
Level 14: Recover additional +42 HP.
Level 15: Recover additional +45 HP.
Level 16: Recover additional +50 HP.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Hermit Training Guide for Level 71-90 in Maplestory
At level 77- 78 in Maplestory: you can head to Death Teddies, if your shadow partner in level 21 or if you have been only putting points into Shadow Partner, since at that point it will last for 3 minutes which are godly experience, but get over 1000 damage physical and around 1400 damage with their magic attack.
Level 81-90: This period of time is known as Assassin hell due to the fact that at these levels monsters are hard to train on for the experience they give, and the fact that you will be spending millions for just a couple levels. Try to team up with a Fighter and take on Lycanthropes that is what we did, you might have your own idea. So follow this Maplestory guide at your own risk/will, or head over to Death Teddies.
Go to Ludi, enter toy factory, keep going down until you reach a map, then go in the portal on the right. Go through two maps, filled with soul teddies first and master soul teddies and the second filled with clocks and dark clocks, then you will be at our personal favorite map for Death Teddies.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Maplestory Sniper / Marksman Guide
The purpose of this guide is to inform aspiring Snipers and Marksman about how to raise their characters, how they should train, what they should watch out for, and most importantly, what makes them worthwhile. This guide is specifically tailored for maplers who have raised their crossbowman close to lvl 70 and are looking for information as to what lie ahead.
To put it simply, use this guide for details on snipers and marksman,and refer to other guides for more details regarding archers and crossbowman.
I'm going to say this right now...Don't make a crossbowman unless you are plan to
bring it to 3rd or 4th job. Crossbowman just don't have the attack speed or arrow bombing capabilities that hunters do. If you aren't going to beyond lvl 55, pick hunter over crossbowman.
2. Why Sniper/Marksman?
" High damage range stabilizes/strengthens immensely with 4th job
" Voted 4th-highest damage-dealing class behind NL/DKs/CBs with ME(May have changed slightly since the appearance of 4th job)
" Ability to freeze most enemies 100% of the time (Rangers have only 60% stun rate)
" Marksman's 4th job bird is useful for training (Bowmaster's 4th job bird is only for show)
" Amazing party buff attainable at 4th job (Sharp Eyes)
" Powerful long/short distance attacks in 3rd and 4th job
" Best anti-ksing class in the game
" Adorable the way they hug their crossbows <3>>123 skill points to distribute
Crossbow Mastery (20 pts)
Crossbow Booster (20 pts)
Soul Arrow (10 pts)
Iron Arrow (30 pts)
Power Knockback (20 skill pts)
Focus (11->20 pts)
153 skill points to distribute
Blizzard (21 pts)
Strafe (30 pts)51
Arrow Eruption (30 pts)81
Puppet (20 pts)101
Mortal Blow (20 pts)121
Golden Eagle (25 pts)146
Thrust (7 pts)153
Marksman (Lvl 120-160)
FrostPrey (1 pt)
Sharp Eyes (30 pts)
Marksman Boost (30 pts)
Dragon Breath (30 pts)
Piercing Arrow (30 pts)
Snipe (30 pts)
4. Lvl-by-Lvl Skill Pt Distribution for Snipers and Marksman
70 << 1 Blizzard, 2 Puppet
71-80 << 3 Strafe every lvl
81-82 << 3 Puppet every lvl
83 << 3 Mortal Blow
84 << 2 Mortal Blow, 1 Arrow Erruption
85-94 << 3 Arrow Erruption every lvl
94 << 2 Arrow Eruption, 1 Blizzard
95-100 << 3 Blizzard every lvl
101 << 1 Blizzard, 2 Golden Eagle
101-107 << 3 Golden Eagle every lvl
108 << 2 Golden Eagle, 1 Mortal Blow
108-111 << 3 Mortal Blow every lvl
112 << 1 Mortal Blow, 2 Thrust
113 << 3 Thrust
114 << 2 Thrust, 1 Puppet
115-120 << Max out Puppet and put last point anywhere
Note: If you haven't maxed Crossbow Mastery, do so before 4th job.
Otherwise, you can't add any points in Marksman Boost.
120 << 1 pt FrostPrey, 1 Marksman Boost, 1 Sharp Eyes
121-123 << 3 Sharp Eyes every lvl
124-128 << 3 Marksman Boost every lvl
129-136 << Max out both Marksman Boost and Sharp eyes (order depends on which skill books you can afford)
137-146 << Choose either Dragon Breath, Piercing Arrow, or Snipe (recommended skills) and max it out
147-156 << Choose another recommended skill and max it out
157-166 << Choose another recommended skill and max it out
166+ << whatever other 4th job skill you want
5. Detailed Info on How Sniper and Marksman Skills Work
" Lvl 1-10 provide one second freeze with varying damage
" Lvl 11-20 provide 2 second freeze with varying damage
" Lvl 21 provides 3 second freee
" Lvl 22+ universally considered not skill-point efficient
" Main damage-dealing attack all throughout 3rd and 4th job
" Max this out as soon as possible to completely replace double shot
Arrow Eruption
" Attacks up to six monsters at a time
" Maximum area which Arrow Eruption affects increases in radius at lvls 1, 11, and 21
" First bowman attack which can attack monsters point-blank
" Has more vertical range (Ranger's Arrow Rain has more horizontal Range)
" Useful all throughout 3rd and 4th job
" Needed to make goby-training reliable (Aqua Road)
" Attack desired monster(s) first before summoning in order for it's effect to kick in
" Provoked monsters will try to attack the Puppet instead of you
" Makes it possible to solo some bosses like Thanatos, Griffey, etc if used skillfully
" Doesn't require a summoning rock to summon
" Needed to make squid-training reliable (Aqua Road)
Golden Eagle
" Stun rate, attack rate, and damage range all increase as more points are added to it
" Requires one summoning rock to use and lasts 3 min
" The more points you add to it, the less 'bang' you get from each skill point
" Leave at 25 pts instead of maxing because 97% stun rate is enough
" Need at least 15 pts in it in order to put point in 4th job bird (Frostprey)
" Needed to make newt-training reliable (Leafre)
Mortal Blow
" Main benefit is to attack monsters from point blank range
" Adding points to Mortal Blow increases success rate of point-blank atk, damage of point-blank atk, and possibility of one-shotting a monster that's at half health or less
" Max out for training/situational convenience later on down the road
" First 10 points add 2 pts of permanent speed, while next 10 points add 1 pt of speed
" I chose to add 7 pts of Thrust to comfortably replace my Icarus Cape(2) for a Pink Adventurer Cape and to replace my 60% shoe speed scrolling with 60% shoe jump scrolling
" Don't add more than 10 pts to this skill
" One of the most useful one-point skills in the game
" The main reason why you would would choose Marksman over Bowmaster (besides Snipe)
" 1 point of Frostprey completely replaces 30 points of Golden Eagle AND eliminates the need to purchase summoning rocks
" Bowmasters still are stuck with their 3rd job bird because their 4th job bird can't freeze or stun enemies at all (only fo' sho')
" Universally agreed that 1 point of Frostprey should be added at lvl 120 NO EXCEPTIONS
Marksman Boost
" Increases xbow mastery by 5% every five lvls
" Adds 1 point of permanent weapon atk to every three lvls
" Try to max this skill asap because the damage increase for every 3-5 lvls is incredible
Sharp Eyes
" The only bowman-only party buff in the game; also one of the best
" Increases the critical rate and critical rate's damage of all party members, regardless of job
" You can make any job do criticals with this skill, even mages
" Hermits/Night Lord/bowmen benefit the most from this skill because Sharp Eyes adds on to their critical rate chance
" Max this skill out early if you train in a party a lot, otherwise max out Marksman Boost first
Dragon Breath / Piercing Arrow
" Both are mob skills which attacks mobs in front of your character
" No Marksmen I know use it to train, so I don't know how good they are
" Sniping Arrow is slower than Dragon Breath but does more damage
" Dragon Breath knocks enemies back a great distance, which makes it a good combo with Puppet
" Personally, I feel Dragon Breath is functionally more useful than Sniping Arrow (damage with knockback), but Sniping Arrow's 850% damage to up to 4 monsters, which is a heck of a lot more damage compared to Dragon Breath's 100% damage to up to 6 monsters
" Max out Sniping Arrow before Dragon Breath if you need to do more mob damage and if maintaining a distance between you and your monsters is not a big issue
" 1HKOs non-boss monsters every 5 minutes unless you max it out, in which case it would be 1HKO non-boss monsters every 15 seconds
" Deals 99,999 damage to boss monsters
" Marksmen-unique skill which no marksman I know has utilized thus far
6. How to Train Efficiently
Training Spots (I will only mention the best ones)
Squids (Aqua Road - Dangerous Sea Gorge II)
Recommended Skills: At least 1 pts Blizzard, 5 pts Puppet, and 30 pts Strafe
Recommended Lvls: Lvl 83-95
Why Train Here
1. Fast experience once you get the hang of it
2. Water provides extra maneuverability/speed to your sniper
3. Beautiful environment to train in
How to Train
1. Blizzard desired squid(s)
2. Summon Puppet in out of reach area
3. Kill them one-by-one with Strafe
4. Repeat across entire map
Things to watch out for
1. Squids can 2-hit kill you so be careful
2. Bombing Fish Houses can one-shot kill you if you provoke it while standing within its magic radius
3. Very popular training spot now
Goby (Aqua road - Deep Sea Gorge II)
Recommended Skills: At least 11 pts Blizzard, 30 pts Strafe, 21+ pts AE
Recommended Lvls: Lvl 93-105, maybe past lvl 105 I'm not sure
Why Train Here
1. Crazy insane OMFG exp (one goby house = 6 goby = 8400 exp total)
2. Great meso-making because your are killing 6 monsters at once (the equips gobies drop npc for a lot)
3. Beautiful environment to train in
How to Train
1. Clear out all the Bone Fish swimming around a Goby House by alternating between 1 Blizzard and 2-3 strafes
2. Once Goby House is isolated, break it open with 5-7 strafes (if it takes more shots than this, you wait until you're stronger)
3. Blizzard the 6 gobies the instant they appear
4. Come close to the gobies and Arrow Eruption them to death with 5-7 AEs
5. Swim somewhere else and repeat
Things to watch out for
1. Don't goby if there is someone else already in the map because for some reason, gobies fly off randomly instead of chasing you if someone else is there, making it impossible to contain them all with Blizzard and thus slowing down training immensely
2. Goby Houses have high magic attack, so keep a distance from them at all times because even if you freeze them, you never know if a bone fish will spawn on top of you and distract you long enough for you to be finished off by already provoked Goby House
3. If you add points to Golden Eagle early, don't summon them here.The last thing you want is for a Goby House or Bone Fish to be provoked before you are ready to take them on
Jr. Newties on Middle Platform (Leafre - Destroyed Dragons Nest)
Recommended Skills: Lvl 20+ Golden Eagle, 30 pts Strafe, 21 Pts Blizzard
Middle Platform Recommended Lvls: Lvl 107-131
Why Train Here
1. Amazing Experience if you have the recommended party (stated below)
2. Just stand and fire Strafe / Blizzard
3. People here are willing to train with you if they need middle attacker
4. Drops Marksman Boost 20
Recommended Party
1. One Holy Symbol Priest hanging on rope spamming Holy Symbol (ESSENTIAL)
2. One 4th job Bowmaster/Marksman in Party with Sharp Eyes or Night Lord with Maple Warrior fighting bottom platform (ESSENTIAL)
3. One Night Lord or 4th job Bowmaster/Marksman fighting top platform (OPTIONAL)
4. Party is better than solo because its way faster experience, less boring,and newts don't atk you before your 3rd job/4th job bird can immobilize them. Plus, party member can increase your damage with party skills like Sharp Eyes and/or Maple Warrior
Recommended Potions for 3-hr training
1. 300 Sorceror Elixirs
2. 300 Popsicles (Jr Newtie does about 1.95-2.1k magic damage per hit)
3. 100 Cheeses (in case you accidently fall off middle platform and survive Transforming Jr. Newtie's 3.2k magic damage)
4. 300 Summoning Rocks (unless you have Frostprey)
5. At least one magic rock if you wish for a priest to door you back
Things to watch out for
1. Getting to this area requires 3-5 min travel time, so be patient and familiarize yourself with Leafre
2. If you can get a Priest to door you over there, that would preferable
3. Steer clear of the Transforming Jr Newties on the bottom and top platforms unless you have over 3.2k hp, they will one-shot kill you with their magic or vines if they're provoked
How to Train
1. Standing on the left, facing right, you will be dealing with the two Newts closest to you
2. The Newtie closest to you will transform once you 'kill' it
3. While the Newtie is transforming, do as much damage to the Newtie behind it as you possibly can with Stafe (you normally take bottom platform if you can kill this 2nd Newtie before the 1st one fully transforms)
4. Once the Transforming Jr. Newtie has completely transformed,freeze it with either Blizzard or Frostprey, then Strafe it to death
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Maplestory news: v.85 Going Live 05.05.2010
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Nexon News-Low Rider in Gachapon
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
MapleStory Equipment Guide
Assassins are a very common class on GMS, and prices for their equipment are inflated. Claws and Scrolls cost upwards of millions of Maplestory Mesos, and the highest attack stars, Crystal Ilbis, can now sell for up to 90 million Mesos. However, due to constant changing economies, prices of stars differ. The price an Assassin pays to have decent equipment is basically offset by their large amounts of speed. With Haste maxed, an Assassin can travel across an entire map quite quickly, killing monsters along the way.
Monday, 26 April 2010
MapleStory Experience for Monsters
Also, players train on Zombies far longer than Jr. Kitties. Jr. Yeti Skins fall in between, more expensive from a higher-level monster, and providing better potions than Solid Horns, but nothing too special. Every exchangeable etc item has a specific scroll type (usually 10%) that has a small chance of being given as a reward for a trade-in.
Friday, 23 April 2010
The Nexon Games Treasure Hunt
Playing Nexon games has always had its rewards, but how would it be if you could find amazing treasures for one nexon game while playing another? Wonder no more! Between April 21st and May 7th, 2010 you can receive awesome rewards in MapleStory and Mabinogi while trying out two other Nexon titles.
All you have to do is be a registered MapleStory or Mabinogi player prior to April 21st and become a registered user for iTCG Online or PopTag! Get yourself up to level three in either game by May 7th and you��ll receive a four hour 2X drop card to use in MapleStory or a two hour Combat 2X item to use in Mabinogi!
If you reach level three in both games, you will receive two of each reward!
Check out iTCG and PopTag! by clicking on these banners!
Monday, 12 April 2010
New Areas! Kerning Square Mall and Neo City!
Hello Maplers!
Have you heard the rumors? There are incredible things happening in Maple World. Some are happy and exciting--like opening of the new Kerning Square Mall in Kerning City. Are you ready to shop in style and help a young entertainer's dream come true all while enjoying new dungeons and PQs? Then there are darker tales unfolding. There are stories of a mad traveler in the wilds near Magatia bearing tidings of a terrible future
Check out the details below:
Maple Idol at the Kerning Square Mall!
Dreams really can come true in MapleStory. Take Blake, a humble public service worker at the new Kerning Square Mall in Kerning City. He may not be much now, but he has the talent to become a superstar! Unfortunately there are evil Rock Spirits who are trying to steal Blake's debut song and keep him from his destiny. Blake needs heroes to help prepare the way, battle these evil spirits in a brand new dungeon and make sure the stage is secure for Blake's big debut. Do you have what it takes to create the next big MapleStory superstar?
Fight for the Future in Neo City!
Andy is a madman who has recently been spotted in the wilds near Magatia. They say he tells a horrible story of machine feet trampling over the human race in the future and claims to be looking for brave adventurers to fight for the future of Maple World.
Can we afford to believe this madman? Can we afford not to?
If you'd like to check out the truth of Andy's story, Broker Han in Magatia has the scoop on a time traveler who has come back from the future to recruit Maple World's mightiest heroes. It seems that in Neo City in the year 2503, the human race barely survives by scurrying under the metal feet of killer robots. That dark future doesn't have to pass though. You can fight for the future in a huge new dungeon and make it a better one for all humanity!
Friday, 9 April 2010
Grounds to train for level 30-88+ in Maplestory
Level 35-39: Go Kill Sakura Cellions. They're awesome training. They give out a lot of money too. Ice mages can now go kill Fire Boars with ease, so do so at Burnt Land I or II. They can also go to Sand Castle Playground to train on Flower Fishes if they want. Lightning right now is still too weak for your purposes, so boars are a good source of exp and money for now (use magic claw, not lit!). Lightning mages can also train well on Ratz in Floor 100 of Helios Tower. Standing on a slide allows one to rain down lightning while not getting hit.
If you start with Lightning, you can also keep it at level 15 when you reach level 35 (assuming you put 1 pt in Teleport at level 30), and train on the hamsters on the 99th floor of Helios tower. This will be a lightning wizards' fastest EXP gain until at least level 55, if you work it correctly. (to compare for around level 50, better to kill 4 Retz at 78XP each every 6 seconds, than 1 fire drake at 220 EXP each, and the Retz spawn en-masse at one spot, while larger rarer monsters like Fire Drakes require you to travel...and suffer plenty of damage). Then just work the Retz until you get enough points stored (save at least 9) to raise Lightning to level 24 directly from 15.
This is because the spell doubles in cost from 20 to 40, at spell level 16, making it very hard on your potions. At about lightning level 24, the damage increase should be worth the doubling of MP, but if you're unsure, you can wait until you get 12 skill points. It's also very safe to train at the Retz as you can't get hit unless you are grabbing loot. You can possibly gain 2-3 levels a day at low experience levels this way if you're a hardcore grinder.
If you are careful with your lightning to mob at least 4 Retz per cast, and pick up all the loot and seeds, you should at -least- break even in mesos/potion use, unlike lorangs, which will drain your mesos like water...
Note: Black Ratz are also a good alternative, at 70 EXP per kill and the fact that they are easier to kill then Retz it may be more profitable to kill them instead.
Level 40-49: If you're an ice mage, now would be a good time to move up to Jr Cellions (the red kitties) at Ossyria, and Fire Boar is a solid (but less rewarding) alternative. You can also train on sakura cellions they are very rewarding. They give out a lot of exp and money. Thunder Mages can consider Lorang, can also train on Jr Cellions or Grupin if Lorang costs too much money. You're going to lose money on pots wherever you go anyway, unless you work the hamsters, so why not lose them on monsters that give good exp and decent drops? Party with cleric at Hot Sands occasionally if you're feeling bored.
Note: for lightning mages, 78 EXP Retz are much faster EXP than the lorangs, as they spawn in mobs, and travel time is reduced to near nothing. It's strongly advised to continue working the Retz unless you are really bored. If your ice is maxed, and you're a hybrid, but poor, don't train at Retz; go kill fire boars or Jr Kitties for safe, fast loot until you get enough mesos to have a good stock of potions. Unless you are more concerned with getting rich (item drops) as opposed to leveling fast, Retz mobbing is -highly- recommended, and thus Hybrids/lit mages will have a big advantage over those who don't raise Lightning until after meditation.
If you started with Ice and are hybridizing, continue training on fire boars and Jr. Kitties until you raise lightning to level 15 at around experience level 45. (Assuming you are becoming a hybrid). Then use the same advice as above, for the Retz in Helios tower. Being a hybrid is STRONGLY advised, as working the Retz will let you level as fast, or faster, than any other class for now. (Yes, that includes bandits).
Time to go to Monster Carnival! There's more information about Monster Carnival in the Party Quests section. Monster carnival is great training for Level 40~50 (but you can enter when you're Level 30)
Think: 30000exp in 10 minutes! But that is only if you win and you get rank A. If you're a lit mage, you can do Retz too, because you aren't much help in carnival(for the person who keeps changing this, stop changing it!!!) when you've only got lightning bolt.
Maple coins are wanted, they are found rarely by monsters in the carnival party quest. You can get an Arc Staff (Level 45 staff){20 coins}, Cromi (Level 48 wand){20 coins}, or even the famous Speigelmann's necklace!(gives +1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 INT, and +1 LUK){50 coins} from Spiegelmann.
Note: Robos are really annoying, because they are strong against ice. Tell some other people like bandits to kill robos. If you just don't want to see them, try going into room 1 or 2. You will not see them unless someone summons them.
Level 50-59: If you have both Ice and Lit, Hot Sands is a very good choice. With only Ice, Red Drake should now be what you're training on (you can also go for Cellions and Lioners if Red Drakes hurt too much), while with only lit, Retz are still your best bet right now, even though you're earning less than 0.01% exp per kill, mobbing them should let you level every 6-8 hours until you reach level 55. Move to hot sands if you're going for Ice after med, when you have level 15 ice. With the new lands coming out, Platoon Chronos in The Road of Time is also a good choice. Many still recommend Lorangs, but due to the travel time required (lots of walking), plus the constant damage you will take, Hamsters are your best choice if you want to gain mesos. You should level 3-4x as fast on Retz as you would on Lorangs. Around level 55, you could also consider drakes meal table as a decent training spot. The exp is in general better then Retz, you'll gain 85 + sometimes a 240 exp times 6 a few seconds or 135 times 6 a few seconds. The drops are also noteworthy, as wild cargo's sometimes drop tobi's, and Drakes quite often kumbi's. The only big drawback of this place is that it drains meso's. Especially with magic guard on, which is a must since cargo's do around 300 damage. Expect to earn half of what you need for the potions. (For lightning wizards)Try going into the room with the roids and neohuroids in Magatia, known as C-2. It has a lot of monsters, and you can mob them to the edge of the map where there is a safe spot to zap them with lightning.
Level 60 -69: Cellions, Lioners, Red Drakes, Hot Sands, Helios Tower, the old spots. You can TRY to train at Buffoons if you like, but that's not generally a good idea. If you're not so obsessed with big damage, electrifying some jr. Yetis may not be a bad idea, as with freezing up some hectors and zombies.
Level 70-75: Same old, same old. Zombies, Hot Sands, Red Drakes. Buffoons might be more practical to hunt right now, but there isn't much change in training. If you're still doing RETZ, you must be a masochist :)
Level 76-83: IS mages can start killing Death Teddies now, since there are some sniping points present where you can hit them without worrying about getting hit. It's not great on your wallet, but it's very fast training. If you need money, Zombies are your friend again. You can also try Buffoons. Comp Mages should just stay at Zombies or Buffoons right now.
Level 83-88: IS mages got some options now. Bains are a pain to get to and there aren't many sniping spots, but they're like Death Teddies with more money, though the map isn't pure Bains and poison geysers are annoying. Death Teddies are as good as always. If you feel bold, you can try Vikings. Comp mages should probably go for Bains now, or Vikings if you're bold.
Level 88+: Vikings are a great target. JMSers could probably go for Bains in Weapon Storage (the map after Anego), or try the Kentauruses which give good exp Leafre (though I'm not sure about their spawns).
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Easter Egg Eggscavation!
If you are successful, you will receive an iconic Easter Egg Capsule. Pop it open to gain access to the sweet morsels inside. The candy will provide you with special stat bonuses for a short time. To increase the chance that you will get some of this special stat candy, you may use the Event Reward Booster Potion, available in the in game cash shop.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
MapleStory Fighter Guide
Pages have the ability to attack with Fire, Ice, and Lightning. This means that if they find themselves in a situation where they are surrounded by monsters weak to fire they can whip out their fire attacks, they can quickly adapt to the change if the situation changes to ice-weak monsters in Maplestory. Plus, ice charge freezes the enemy for a second or two.
They also have Magic Crash which will allow them cancel out Magic Defense. Spearmen can choose to either stick with one weapon or go hybrid, meaning to master both weapons. It's strongly recommended that you stick with one weapon with the exception of Spearmen.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
MapleStory White Knight Tips
Sword Pros:
Very Popular Weapon. Warriors have always been associated with Swords.
Swords have Stable damage and will produce the same kind of damage constantly to monsters.
Sword Cons:
Generally very expensive to buy in game, and to scroll.
Rather commonplace weapon to use, about 85% of GMS who have a White Knight or Crusader use swords, which can generally be boring to some.
Blunt weapon Pros:
Blunt weapons are stronger then Swords.
Blunt weapon users are rare, and so being one of the few give you a certain degree of comfort.
Very Inexpensive compared to Swords and to scroll.
Blunt weapon Cons:
Blunt weapons have unstable damage in Maplestory, and so the amount of damage a White Knight will produce will be at random.
Blunt weapons are slower then Swords, this is why using them is generally frowned upon.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Weapon Chosen In Maplestory
Also, Crusader's stun is interruptible, meaning if you were to hit the stunned monster after using coma/shout on it, it will become unstunned. This can be quite irritating dealing with a large mob around you. If Power Guard is on, bumping into the stunned monster will cause it to become unstunned. Crusaders also take a long time to master their attack skills, as they spend many levels mastering Combo first.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
MapleStory Winter character cards
Male humans show their rugged individualism with patches on the knees of their holiday outfits while female humans keep things trendy with fuzzy little poof-balls on their leggings and coat.
Since they're from the desert, elves don't always remember the importance of staying warm. That's why the male elves' holiday outfit consists of shorts! At least they can keep their necks toasty with a soft scarf. Female elves, in their mini-skirts, will shiver as much as their male counterparts, but at least they'll look amazing doing so, with a pair of fuzzy armbands and a stylish bow choker.
Male giants sport the traditional Santa attire but with a modern twist: a fashionable turtleneck that peeks out from beneath the suit. Female giants play the Mrs. Claus role but again, with a twist: a figure-hugging top and a short skirt, with trendy leggings tucked into boots to complete the look.
Rebirthing has never been jollier! Get your holiday gear before they're gone on January 5th, 2010!
Monday, 15 March 2010
Comparison between Warrior Jobs in Maplestory
The other classes can give themselves a weapon attack boost as well, but need items to do so. Fighters also get Power Guard, reducing touch damage by 40% and deals it back to the monster. This is the main reason why Fighters/Crusaders are considered soloers is because this reduces pot costs immensely.
Pages get Threaten, a skill that lowers the enemies' weapon defense and Maplestoryweapon attack by 20, this is mostly used to lower damage dealt to you. Pages also get Power Guard, reducing touch damage by 40% and deals it back to the monster. This is one of the main reason why Pages/WKs are considered soloers is because this reduces pot costs immensely. Of course, constant KB and Ice Charge helps also to the soloing factor.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Maplestory Pirate Guide
Somersault20、Straight1、Double Fire1、Dash1、Quick Motion19(Surplus 19 points Infighter Straight, Gunmen fire Double Fire ) Infighter(2nd job transfer)121points
HP+ MP Recovery19、Blockless Knuckle5+15、Knuckle Booster20、Double Upper20、Back Spin Blow20、Screw Punch20、Barrel Disguise1(Quick Motion+1)
Infighter(third job transfer)151points
Stun Mastery20、Energy Drain1+39、Energy Buster21、MP Recovery20、Transform1+19、Shockwave30
Infighter(fourth job transfer)
Maple Warrior30 Dragon Strike30 Fist30 Energy Orb30 Transform30 Demolition30
Snatch30 Wind Booster30 Time Leaf30
Dives the dragon to leave the deep pool30、Speed of light fist 30、Ultra energy 30、Superhuman 1+19、Jin Shouzhi 30、Demands life 30、nal velocity domain 、The waiting sends out
Gunmen fire(2nd job transfer)121 points
Precision Gun20、
Fast gunman5+15、 Rapid-fire20、 Confusing shooting20、 Fire bomb1、Feather light shoes5+19、Lasing speed kill20(1 make up the fast action of first job transfer)
Mates(third job transfer)151points
Triple shot20、Fort octopus30、Seagull air strike30、Jet flames11、Freezing Spray30、Navigation30
Captain(fourth job transfer)(after the fourth job transfer,we suggest that you add the Metal Storm, add Armed,and for other point fill rapid shot skills first.)
Strengthening ability30 、Navigation aids30、Super Fort octopus30、Carpet-air raid30、Metal Storm30、soul Control1、arms1+9、Rapid shot30、Weight shelling30
first job transfer need lvl 10,DEK20
gun : DEK 4 str 1
Fist: str 4 DEK 1
The will of the hero
Weight shelling
Armed attacks on state-specific skills,the attack results would be very good,not subject to restrictions on the scope of supply,also turned a very good offensive skills
The skills need to be obtained through job skills task
Rapid shot
Armed attacks on state-specific skills,the attack results very well,and not subject to restrictions on the scope of attacks,it is a very strong signs of the attack skills
The skills need to be obtained through job skills task
the Sign skills for the fourth job transfer of Captain can be changed to Corsair to attack,the scope of the attack is unlimited,but can not climb the rope during the armed,because the ship has a durability, it is proposed to be added to the 10 point.
The skills need to be obtained through job skills task
soul Control
The skill is to become a monster to their baby, so that this monster to attack other monsters
it seems a bad practical,attacks between the monster carried out by their original own numerical attacks ,therefore, no special effects, and can only control a monster,proposes to add 1 point to play,not to add too much.
The skills need to be obtained through job skills task
Carpet-air raid
the fourth job transfer of captain is the only full-screen attack skills,If the conditional allowed, proposal to buy manual andupgrade it to 30 points,then the skill will full.It is a very luxurious skills,the only shortcomings is that there are 5 seconds of the cooling time
The skills need to be obtained through job skills task
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
First Job of Magician in MapleStory
The Perfect Build: Although this build provides your character with the maximum amount of MP, it requires more time to train, as you will do minimal damage for a few levels. Some players say the amount of MP gained with this build is negligible. Until level 13, you should use the Three Snails skill you obtained as a Beginner. These first few levels is slow going unless there is an event going on. Having a friend to help you train more quickly through these first levels can be very beneficial.
10 Improving Max MP Increase (MAX).
1 Energy Bolt (1).
16 Improving MP Recovery (MAX).
20 Magic Claw (MAX).
20 Magic Guard (MAX).
Monday, 8 March 2010
The Third Job in MapleStory
When launched, this attack strikes with a Base Damageof 150, and also a 70% chance of Poisoning the enemy for 40 seconds. Fire Mages also get Poison Myst which is a poison based mob skill that initially hits one monster for damage and then creates a mist with 70% chance of poisoning for all monsters that travel within the mist.
Upon reaching the 4th job, Fire/Poison Archmages are a mirror image of Ice/Lightning Archmages, with the exception that you use Fire/Poison Skills. With Fire Demon, you can choose whichever monster to render vulnerable to Ice attacks. To add on to this set fantastic of Skills, you get to use Meteor which hit up to 15 monsters at once. 570 basic damage and Elquines, which you can summon a demon based on the Ice element.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Get Your Free Maplestory Hacks
Maplestory is attractive to hackers, past and present. Hackers in Maplestory can be found in virtually any and every popular map, and it is easy to detect the traces of hackers who have switched chanels, as the monsters will often all be grouped together, which is the result of a monster vac. Unfortunately, old free maplestory hacks are available online if you click here for additional information. The recent version updates of Maplestory have invalidated hacks, so the old Free Maplestory Account Hacks are available online if you click here for additional information. have been abandoned. As a result, the hacking population Maplestory has dramatically dropped. Many players thought that hacking is now impossible, until now!
You can get Free Maplestory Hacks are available online if you click here for additional information. At Net, which is a great site for finding gaming hacks. If you are a veteran Maplestory hacker, you probably remember the infamous Maplestory centar trainer that sparked a huge hacking craze in Global Maplestory. As a commemorative to the supreme Maplestory trainer ever made and the net has now updated all the hacks in the trainer, and renamed it HasTe Bot!
The hacks include Godmode, PQ Autoclicker, Infinite Mana, Mouse Fly, Item Vac, DupeX Vac, Map Rusher, Unlimited Attack, Unlimited Stars and soon to be, PG Hack! We are concentrating on these hacks, as they are the important ones that Maplestory hackers will most likely need. You could simply leave your computer on to level and plunder with Godmode, Item Vac, Dupex Vac, and Unlimited Attack. Unfortunately, a legitimate Maplestory player has to play the game for up to 2 years if they want to reach level 100 but Maplestory powerleveling. This is characteristic of Maplestory hacks: quick and powerful shortcuts to victory.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
MapleStory Mesos Definitions Guide
This is a system that Wizet has implemented that targets the type of hack you are using. For example, if I say that God-mode is A/B, that means that more-or-less, if you use it; your character will automatically be banned. It will not be removed, since it is so effective. However, it is only in place for certain hacks.
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine is a memory editor that allows you to edit the behavior of certain addresses, and lets you hack Maple. I'm sorry if this explanation is wrong- please correct me.
The acronym UCE stands for Undetectable Cheat Engine. This is self-explanatory.
A bypass lets you use your Cheat Engine and thus your hacks by getting past GameGuard. There are many types of bypasses, but most are private.
A/C stands for Autoclicker. This is mainly used for PQ's, where you need to click on the NPC to get into the quest. To use it, you put both prompt buttons in the same place and run the A/C.
A CT is a cheat table. It is designed to make activating hacks much easier.
Damage Control, What it does, is make all damage equal 0 (miss), 1, 2 or 3. This is usually combined with No Knockback.
No Knockback, when you hit a monster, you usually spring back from the damage. This nullifies this effect. This is activated by using a Damage Control script. The two are usually paired together to create the same effect (or close to it) as God-mode did.
A private application that lets you run MapleStory without GameGuard running. This is private and only a few people have it and are only releasing it to people with legitimate reasons because this can also be used for pin-cracking…
ML/ML engine
The acronym ML stands for Moonlight. Thus, ML Engine: Moonlight Engine.
Array of Bytes. Using these will allow you to update your addresses, however I use GThuggin's auto updater
Maybe is not a complete one,anyone who knows more please leave it in our comment and share with other players ,thank you very much!
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Leveling Character Guide For Maplestory Beginners
On Maple Island, you will start off as a beginner class and level your way up to level 10 where you can then advance to the class that you actually want to be.
There are several key strategies that you want to focus on while you are on Maple Island which will help you to become an all-around Mapler in the game. They are:
1. Stats:
You need to start building your stats towards your character class (e.g. warrior, magician etc) that you are planning to become once you leave Maple Island.
2. Quest:
If this is your first Maple Story character, then you need to complete the quests on Maple Island to get a feel of how the game works and how to play properly.
3. Collect:
You want to start to collect items such as Blue Snail Shells and Mushrooms so that you can earn some Mesos for yourself to purchase a cab ride to leave Maple Island.
When you first login to Maple Story, you will be given a view of the key configurations for the game. This is the default setup for playing MapleStory although you can change it at any time by hitting the Key config shortcut button on your screen. You will then be able to setup every one of your skills and all the keys to any configuration that you would like to have.
Once you have completed your keyboard setup, you will then have to talk to Sera. She will ask you if you would like to enter the Tutorial Zone. If this is your first time playiny, please do so. If you are a Maple Story veteran, it is always fun to see your character being dressed up in a ridiculous leaf costume or whatever kind of costume he is in.
Once you have finished with the bazaar tutorial, you will be transported to Maple Island.
On Maple Island, you will want to complete some quests and level up your character to level 10.
If you look at the map, all you have to do is to walk from the left to the right through the 5 zones and you will end up at a location called Perry where you can then take a ship off Maple Island.
Before you leave Maple Island, you will want to familiarize yourself with the controls of the game and complete a few quests that will help you reach level 10. This will prepare you to take on challenges on Victoria Island!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Create Maplestory Fire Mage Quickly
If you decide to become a teacher in 30 fires that you should follow some basic instructions to make your master as reliable as possible. There are many points of distribution of ability, and know where to put each point is very important.
When you choose your work will get a skill point. I strongly recommend you to telecommunications this point, because it makes leveling more interesting. Then, in an effort apricot rockets because it will be your base attack. Post-fire arrow you should eat a mobile phone by 3 points, thus regaining some of the magic of your cell phone. Only in these three points, however, should focus now and think incisively and vividly. Then you should eat the largest cellular telephone, food delivery point to go after the mobile phone.
When the delivery point has been filled to capacity quickly, you can telecommunications and mobile phones, the cost of almost any high-profile, your level will be more effective. This ability must be the best! Slow should be the last skill, you're the greatest, and then placed in the venom of recent years Brace.
Apricot is that it can poison Galbraith occupational poisoning in fog thirdly, I think it's useless. Slow is better than poison key, in my 95 mage Fire I still regret that the poison of apricot Brace.
You should train can kill the monsters from two or three dozen. When you find an empty channel, and in this map by the time you stay. The mapping is from a nearby beneficial when bored or friends to share the fun, but a good uniform that want to apply effective rules.
Master of fire to provide you with up to third place will be countless hours, since in most online multiplayer games. A good idea for making maplestory mesos, so stop using the clock or timer, and set a half hour. See how much you earn experience and compare it with other maps. MMORPG games are fun and exciting, but it takes a great effort to succeed.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Maplestory Dragon Master Evan Class
The new class "Evan" are an elemental "Dragon Trainers" class that fought alongside the Aran to defeat the Black Magician. Evan is the name of the dragon. What we know so far about this new class is that a Dragon will be given to you that evolves as you level up maplestory account. The dragon does all the attacking for you and evolves as you level up. Thats pretty unique right? Here is the breakdown of the Evan class:
Int and Luk are needed for Stats
The skills are created and used by Evan, the dragon
Their max level is 200
It looks like this is another class released to have fought against the black magician along with Aran.
At the planning stages of Dragon Master Evan, Contents Team leader Kang Won Ji said, "the Dragon is fun to manipulate, as well as a variety of skills and a strong property Party buff that provides features such as Evan also be enough to attract the attention of the user himself."
The dragon have '10 masters' or evolve,if you want.You gain new skills when the dragon evolve,Plus you don't need to go throught job advance,has it evolves based on levels.
From some infos somewhere,i heard their magic guard was nerfed No mp eater/mp increase skills too.
They can deal CRITICAL DAMAGE,unlike other mages.You get the critical skill at 6th master(Lvl 60)
They also have all kind of magics,gained throught these multiple master advances.
Masters lvl:
1st Master: lvl 10
2nd Master : level 20
3rd Master : level 30
4th Master : level 40
5th Master : level 50
6th Master : level 60
7th Master : level 80
8th Master : level 100
9th Master : level 120
10th Master : level 160
I hope you are all looking forward to this new class release!Thank you for reading, if you want to get the maplestory powerleveing service for your character to level faster, you can contact with our customer sevice. Have fun in Maplestory.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Make a Normal Claw or Dagger Thief in MapleStory
At kerning pq levels, claw thieves are preferred because they have more accuracy and can hit more of the monsters. Also another type of dagger thief is the Str dagger thief. Their minimum damage is higher than normal dagger thieves but their maximum damage is lower.
When you make your new thief, you should roll his stats so they look something like this:
STR: 4-5
INT: 4-5
Get a 4 in at least str or int. Dex and luk can be whatever because you will mold them into a build. Every time you level, you will get 5 AP points to put into either str, dex, int or luk.
For thieves, you only care about dex and luk. Dex needs to stay 2x your level so that you can wear the appropriate gear. Every left over point goes into luk (this determines your attack). Instead, if you want maplestory mesos, you can add everything into dex for 2 levels and then everything into luk for 3 levels.
Whatever you choose, you dex/luk should look like this:
LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK
LV15: 30 DEX, 57 LUK
LV20: 40 DEX, 72 LUK
LV25: 50 DEX, 87 LUK
LV30: 60 DEX, 102 LUK
For dagger thieves your AP build should look something like this:
LV10: 10 STR, 25 DEX, 31 LUK
LV15: 10 STR, 30 DEX, 51 LUK
LV20: 10 STR, 40 DEX, 66 LUK
LV25: 15 STR, 50 DEX, 76 LUK
LV30: 20 STR, 60 DEX, 86 LUK
Land on Maple island. Get to level 10 by killing the myriad number of snails and mushrooms. Once you reach level 10, take the boat to Victoria Island. Now take the cab to Kerning City and talk to the thief trainer to become a Rogue!
Now moving on to the SP builds.
For claw thieves your build should be as follows:
+1 Lucky Seven (1)
+3 Nimble Body (3)
+8 Keen Eyes (8)
+9 Lucky Seven (10)
-Save your SP for 3 levels-
+10 Lucky Seven (20 MAX)
+3 Disorder (3)
+3 Dark Sight (3)
+17 Nimble Body (20 MAX)
+7 Dark Sight (10)
I choose dark sight over disorder because it's use more often and can save your life sometimes.
For dagger thieves your build should be as follows:
+20 Nimble Body (20 MAX)
+10 Double Stab (10)
-Save up 3 levels-
+10 Double Stab (20 MAX)
+3 Disorder (3)
+3 Dark Sight (3)
+15 Dark Sight (18)
Now that you are level 30 with maplestory powerleveling, it's time for the job advancement.
Talk to the trainer in Kerning City. He will give you a task to prove yourself. Go to the Construction Site North of Kerning and find the Thief Instructor.
He will transport you to a map where you have to kill the monsters to get the marbles. Once you get 30 of them, go back to the thief trainer in Kerning City. Now choose between Bandit or Assassin.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
BunnieSohee's Guide For Ranger 70-120
I just kinda kinda not happy about the lack of hunter guides, Im a level 9X Ranger playing in MapleSea Aquilla and i think its time a voice from Aquilla stood out.
Ranger Pros and Cons :
Good speed
All you need is a + 10 speed snowshoes , Icarus 2 cape + 10 dex, a speed pill,and a +10 speed bow to make your speed 40. Therefore you land faster than Assassins and have a faster shot repeating rate than them.
High-damage and Good Skills in Maplestory Powerleveling
A hunter has many skills that are a combinations of other jobs, for example,Strafe is a varation of savage blow WITH critical. Therefore you have stable medium high damage. Rain is like slash blast for a warriors pole-arm, but without the loss in damage per enemy hit.Inferno is like OMG!! It totally overpowers Fire mages explosion in terms in speed. And unlike Snipers ice shot, it has the ability to critical.
Good stalling ability
Two stalling skills, Puppet and Hawk, while totally useless with higher level boss monsters due to the fact that they have massive aoe(area of effect) spells.It works very well and saves you thousands of mesos. Because one hit recieved in higher level dungeons is equal to one unagi or higher wasted. Hunters are useful in zakum for stunning the mobs zakum spawns out.
Just too many mob killing skills, you got bomb, rain and inferno, what else do you want?
Archer is boring to train for 80 levels Firstly, youre using the same skill Double shot or Arrow blow for 80 levels,since level 1 strafe is not efficient and costs you more pots. And if you take Arrow rain and decide to train at forest of golem maps. You will suffer until level 82 before you master rain and start owning those mobs.
Archer items are HARD TO FIND(but rather cheap)I spend hours trying to look for my overalls and bows in the free market.
Archer is a upper-tier character.The tier order goes this way. Dragon knight, Bandit, Sniper,Ranger,Assassin,Crusader/Knight, Ice/lit wizard, Fire/Poison Wizard, and Priest is in the lowest tier.This goes in the order of damage range.Therefore archer is not the best, But is still high up.
Archer is straining on your fingers.Later ill be discussing on techniques for hunting. Consistently spamming jump strafe makes you out match assassin if youre good enough.
Lastly archer is lousier that SNIPER.No matter how i dont want to admit it, Snipers have way better damage. But we still look cool right xD? Hehehe.
The Misconception of archer is hard to train.Its harder than sins due to lack of jump evasion at level 40-60, but the speed of training is PRECISELY the same due to the same amount of exp needed to level therefore archers are NOT hard to train at all but its ONLY IN YOUR MIND that makes you not want to train archer. Comparing it with other classes.
BANDIT class is the hardest to train due to lack of ranged skills and only a single hitting enemy attack which can be compared to any other jobs first job attack skill.And is easier to train at higher levels compared with a ASSASSIN due to the fact that archer has become a good handler in and out of enemy mobs. And you don't have to repetitively climb the ladder to hit one of Zakums upper hands.
Normal training techniques
The jump over small monsters,turn around shoot theory.This works for small monsters only. Example : Trapped in a corner with a agro'ed fire boar walking towards you. Simply Jump over it and shoot.
Momento Abuse(Movement)
using monsters to intentionally propel you foward, which requires lots of practise.This involves a monster spawning directly on you, and pressing jump + a
left or right direction and propels you forward a further distance.(pretend you got hit by a lupin banana in midair and thats the motion im talking about)
Momento Abuse part two
Ever had a large monster spawn on you? Where you usually took 2 bump hits from it trying to get out from its center,Stone golem for example.Use the momentum by the direction it knocked you in to escape the second hit.
Invincibility frame abuse
For example, in Santuary 3, where you see a Taurospear ready to poke you,just bump into a cold eye and recieve 70 damage instead of 1600
Jump raining
This method is the best way to lure and kill large mobs asap. Its equivalent to the mages teleport and cast. Unless mages jump cast and then teleport(which I don't see often).Just jump rain into a group of monsters and repeat cast it.
Rope Escaping
Using a rope to evade damage from a charging attack(monster bumping into you),or an projectile.
Order of skills
Close proximity to medium proximity to far away. Use Arrow rain to lure,puppet to provoke,and when the enemies are stalling in that other direction, you get to arrow bomb/strafe/inferno them at your own disgression. Using the correct skills at the correct time is very important.
Cliff Sniping
Stand on an area where enemys cant hit you and... SHOOT
Knowing when to run
Do not stick in a corner when you have a mob charging towards you. Monsters usually have a patrol radius of half a screen left and right from their target(YOU).Therefore if youre cornered with no mob hitting skill at close proxmity, you may have to waste potions just to get out.Advanced Training Techniques
Jump Shooting (3 parts)
Binding-The perfect button,SPACEBAR!! Its in close proximity within your probable keyboard setting. Mine is Z - Arrow Bomb, C - Arrow Rain, V - Fire shot, F - Puppet, X - Strafe.
As you can see. binding jump to a common key with a big surface area is easier than haveing a cramped key setting like u,i,h,j,k,n,m. With j as your jump key.Finding the perfect key is important otherwise you may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome(hand joint disfiguration)
Technique- A jump shot must be executed with both buttons pressed at the same time in the same frame.A tap will suffice, holding it will just increase the effort needed to lift your fingers and hit them again. I suggest you try practising a light bounce of the keyboard with your fingertips.To save money,practise chair-hopping. This involves a chair(relax chair,sky-blue wooden chair). Press at the correct time, and you will see your character jumping without changing the animation to a jump animation, and you will see your character in the sitting position "jump".Jump shooting also saves the time you stop moving for 16 frames when you cast a support skill like Soul arrow.
Timing- Jump shooting needs proper timing, not for the initial jump, but for the exact time you can do another jump shot again. You have to estimate the amount of time needed to land if you hit a monster. For example you jumps fowards into a mixed golem,and you have that knockback animation in the air where your character freezes for a frame without moving when the monster hits you. This lag time will cause you to lose out on a split second advantage with your ksing foe.
Using Monsters/Background objects to propel you fowards.For example in the ice caves,using the geysers to knock yourself forward and slip past a mob.
How to earn money in mapleSea
Scrolls scrolls SCROLLS and more scrolls. Not those cruddy scrolls you get in PQ, but by training hard you get at least one every two levels. In maple sea,scroll prices are HIGHLY INFLATED due to high demand and high availability.The fastest way to make money in maplesea is to make maplestory accounts,train each of them to level 40(can be done in 4 weeks) and complete all the quests that gives you 60% glove for attack or 10%. This means either 2-3m for each character. And then they can put their eqips found in storage and delete the character and start over.(This may be considered abuse, but i dont think many know about it)
Train at efficient places. Since monsters have a 60% chance of dropping maplestory mesos and an etc drop. So one shot one kill = 60% chance a money roll will drop. This means more loot and more chances of rare drops.
Scroll Equipment and sell them at higher prices. Since godly equips in aquilla are high in demand. And each goes for about 4m-54m depending on the stats. We have high rollers spamming 10% scrolls on weapons these days.And high rewards if they suceed.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
MapleStory Hunter's Guide To A Powerful Ranger
A special thanks to the Hidden-Street staff for allowingme to post this guide and for the information given. And Wizet for creating MapleStory.. This guide wouldn't exist without it..
If you're a Sniper, this guide may or may not help you... Well, just take your time. It's quite similar since almost all the Sniper's skills are the same with the Ranger's. Specifically, Arrow Rain, Inferno and Silver Hawk. These 3 are very similar.
Ver 3.30: Added a 4th Job Info and Skills section into the guide. Also updated the Custom SP Build a bit. Others contents are not affected. Guide has been widely filled.
Ver 3.15: Further upgraded the Custom SP Build. Added a version check for users to keep track of each skill build update starting Version 4.0 onwards. Corrected other further minor errors.
Ver 3.0 : Changed the opening part of the guide. Slight update on my character's LV. Cleared further errors. Edited some FAQs and some comments.
Ver 2.80: Updated the SP section. Table of Contents has been changed slightly. Other contents of the guide are not affected.
Ver 2.75: Updated the Custom SP Build to Ver. 3.90. Reversed the SP allocation for skills Inferno and Silver Hawk. Replaced the last FAQ with a Inferno FAQ. Cleared minor errors.
Ver 2.60: Updated the Custom SP Build once more. Added a version number for the Custom SP Build. Changed some texts and corrected more errors. Updated the information of 3rd Job
Ver 2.50: Made a note on the Custom SP Build section. Please refer directly to that section for more information. Further updated that skill build also.
Ver 2.30: Changed LVs 73-76 of the Custom SP Build. Rearranged skills Inferno, Strafe and Arrow Rain <1>. Those who followed the previous, you can continue. Result will
still be the same. Cleared and edited certain texts.
Ver 2.25: Updated the "extras" section and re-edited some texts.Content is still the same. Just that some of the texts have changed.
Ver 2.20: Changed some texts for all SP Builds, cleared moreerrors. Also, updated the ending, notes and intro section.Added a results list into the Custom SP Build section.
Ver 2.15: Added some short FAQs regarding the Custom SP Build. Corrected some errors. Slightly updated the ending section. Further updated the Custom Build.
Ver 2.0 : Thought over the Custom build and re-edited it. Hope there aren't any mistakes this time. Changed all the "Fire Shot" texts into "Inferno". That's what it isin MapleStory.
Ver 1.85: Changed my mind on the Custom SP Build for Rangers.Figured that Thrust wasn't very well needed.
Ver 1.80: Slightly updated by cloud3z. Thanks for the help.
Ver 1.75: Included a user-friendly Custom SP Build of my own.Further updated the skill builds.
Ver 1.50: Corrected some errors. Updated the skill builds.Added an FAQ under the SP Build section.
Ver 1.25: Added a few skill build FAQs. Corrected more errors.
Ver 1.20: Re-edited and cleared some language errors. Made it easier to understand the guide better.
Ver 1.0 : The newly created guide... Having all the nesscesary information needed for a Ranger.
The 3rd Job Skills... One of the best set of skills in the 3rd Job Class... From Strafe to Arrow Rain, and Inferno... I'll give a short briefing on all the skills. This set of skills is so overwhelming!
[Thrust]: Master LV20 Passive
Pre-requisite: None
Description: Boosts up the moving speed.
Comments : This is by right the only skill that increases Speedpermanently. I liked it at first... But it's not too good.You can get at least 20 Speed from using equipments and
using a speed pill together. Some regard it as a waste of skill points
[Mortal Blow]: Master LV20 Passive
Pre-requisite: None
Description: For a certain rate, allows you to fire arrows even at a very close range. Even kills a monster with one shot every once in a while.
Comments : This is a good skill. Unlike Final Attack, it only activates when you are close to the monster, not randomly. Also, this skill eliminates the minimum range problem. You may want to get it as soon as possible.
[Puppet]: Master LV20 Support
Pre-requisite: None
Description: Summons a puppet (your other self) for a certain amount of time. While the puppet is around, the monsters will attack the puppet, not you.
Comments : This skill's sole purpose is to lure monsters and then SHOOT!Very useful in those closed-up maps where it's so tight that there's nowhere to run. Just place a puppet somewhere else,the monster will move away and you're safe.
[Inferno]: Master LV30 Active
Pre-requisite: None
Description: Uses fire-based arrows to attack up to 6 monsters at once.Only works when equipped with a bow.
Comments : This skill is otherwise known as Fire Shot. Nice skill. Finally, bowmen have an elemental attack. There is also that 1.5x element weakness multiplier. It also works exactly like Arrow Bomb except it doesn't stun. Unlike Sniper's Ice Shot, this skill can critical but their's do not. Works wonders with Critical and the elemental weakness together.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
How to Get and Use a Maplestory Private Server
Maplestory private servers are privately owned outside of the Nexon company. Nexon does allow for this, as their game client is customizable so long as you have a server to host the customized version of the game on. The owners of these servers are responsible for all of the maintainence, customization, and management of the server. GM's will be assigned by these players, and it's usually much easier to become a GM on a private server than it is on a public server due to less traffic and more new players needing help from a GM like yourself.
These private servers have many different benefits and bonuses. Most of these private servers now have a "warper" which makes it extremely easy to travel. You can simply click the green trade button at the lower left hand corner of your screen and you'll be warped to the free market. At the free market, there normally is another warper who will take you to any town in the game, and in most cases to any boss in the game.
Not only is travel easy, but just about every other aspect of the game is easy on private servers in most cases. Experience rates are set by a multiplier of anywhere to 5x to 10,000x. Leveling maplestory account gets crazy when on your first kill, you hit level 20. This makes hitting those other jobs a snap. Perhaps you really don't plan to permanently or exclusively play on a private server. A private server is a great place to test classes of characters, items, nx purhcases, and just about anything else in the game since you can obtain it all much faster than in a public Maplestory server.
Meso drops are typically much, much higher on these servers as well. The meso drops are mutlipled the same way, anywhere from 5x to 10,000x. It's nice when you're killing green snails that drop several thousands mesos when you need to get something expensive. In fact, almost all expensive items on public servers can be obtained extremely easily on most private servers.
Drop rates are also increased dramatically, however the greatest multiplier I've seen has been 100x. This is great though! Drop rate multipliers greatly increase your chances of finding rare items from monsters, and can be a great maple story mesos maker later on. I love this because it makes finding rare items a snap, even if you're just looking for a specific item you can use.
Now, on to how to get these private servers. Almost all private servers require version .55 of the game to run. Firstly, download version .55 from this location. Make sure to NOT run the game after installing this, as you don't want the autoupdater to run.
After downloading this patch, it's as easy as searching for the version of private Maplestory you want to run. Simply search yahoo for private maplestory servers, and check them out. Download their client, and place it in your Maplestory folder and run it!
Good luck and have fun!
Monday, 4 January 2010
Maplestory Game Introduction
Best of all, MapleStory is a free-of-charge game! Besides that, players do have a chance to obtain unique or rare maplestory items which other players do not have by purchasing them in a virtual shop, known as the Cash Shop.
Beginner, Warrior, Magician, Bowman and Thief are the main jobs available in MapleStory. As a player starts as a Beginner class, he/she will be able to select any job available. However, he/she should be careful in their stats allocation as that will determine which job they will be. Each classes are then categorized as 1st job advancement, 2nd job advancement, 3rd job advancement and finally the 4th job advancement.
During a journey of never ending story, players are able defeat monsters in order to gain a level up. Plus, players could form a party in order to support one another and go against higher level monsters!
Besides forming a party to just kill monsters, there are certain quests which are known as Party Quest that requires a party to complete it. Therefore, each member in the party must do their very best to communicate with one another and get their teamwork done. There is also a Guild Quest for guild members to group up together and complete the quest. An amount of maplestory mesos must be paid in order for a guild leader to form a guild.
Apart from that, Fame is a unique system where you are able to raise another player's Fame (or reduce it) as you please. This is part of the game which enable players to show their appreciation towards other players who might have helped them in the game. On the other hand, players will reduce their fame (or known as defame) if the other player might have done something wrong to him/her.
One thing that is lacking from the game is the Player vs Player (PVP). Wizet did not and will not have the intention to implement the Player vs Player (PVP) system. Still, players are really enjoying themselves with the game as there are many places to be explored.
Even each version of MapleStory have its own exclusive maps, such as Singapore and Malaysia maps in MapleSEA only and New Leaf City maps in MapleGlobal only.
Generally, MapleStory is not a difficult game to be learned and played as young children to spend their time playing this game too. However, it involves a lot of patience to level up maplestory account as it is not easy at all due to the amount of experience needed.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
How to Become a Better Mapler in Maplestory
Pick up items! Yours or not, if you can, take them. If you do it, after selling them you will get your first 100k in a few levels. Don't waste money on potions and stuff, heal the good old way – by staying still or sitting on a chair.
Don't beg for items, money. NEVER buy quest items, only buy equipment. This way you save money and get exp by killing monsters for items. Of course if you are tired and still didn't get the item you needed, you can buy it, but only if you have a lot of spare money (buying lvl 20 equipment costs somewhere near 120k, so watch your mesos).
Always check what you will do. How to get there. What will you kill. The best guides are in . Here you can even find guides on how to become a better thief, warrior etc. Remember to always think about the future, and you can become the top mapler
When you start off as a beginner you should already know what your going to be, and if you have chosen the path of a mighty warrior, the close range fighter, this guide is just for you. Also, if you haven't chosen your path and you are still a beginner check my beginner guide here.
1.Now it's common, that many people that don't read guides miss almost all attacks on stronger monsters. Why? It's because your,maplestory account DEX is low. It should be as your STR/2. That means if your STR is 42 your DEX should be 21, If your STR is 86 your DEX should be 42 and so on.
2.Basically warriors are strong alone, but after fighting a few packs of monsters your hp will go down. Do not use potions if you can rest somewhere near. That will help you save money, and even exp, because you only should use potions when you are about to die and there's no way out.
3.Having trouble leveling up? Just ask some nice people to party with you, it will help you get more exp and help other party members get some too. But if you join a party get ready to kill hard, because party leader do not like the members standing and sleeping.
4.A party is good, but not good enough? Your level is too high and the party system is slow? Then you should try the party quest. Just go to Kerning city on CH 1 shouting "Joining party quest" and if you're lucky, you should get invited. Then your party will get a few tasks to complete. For more info on the party quest go to here.
5.This goes with tip #2. There is a skill called "improving HP recovery" you must level it up with Maplestory Powerleveling, until it is mastered. It will allow you to heal more hp per 10 seconds. When you master this skill you will heal 60 HP per 10 seconds. This is a passive skill. That means it does not use MP or anything. Then there is a skill called "Endure". It will help you heal HP even when you are hanging on a rope or vine. When you master this skill, you will also heal 60 HP per 10 seconds, while hanging.
I wish you good luck my fellow warriors!